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Hi, I just (Dec 2019) made the switch from SerifDrawPlus X8 and SerifPhotoPlus X8 to Affinity Photo and Affinity designer. Luckily I did not uninstall the former Serif software. It seems both Affinity programs can't open dpp or dpx files!!!; it also appears that there is no format I can use via 'safe as' or export in the Serif programs, Affinity programs  can then read (apart from jpg or bmp or suchlike). Is Affinity not a kind of successor of these Serif programs? How can a company (I assume Affinity belongs to Serif) not  make sure that the outputs are upwards compatible. This is probably not a problem unique to me. Did anybody find a solution? Thanks in advance. 

  • Staff

Hi LuBu,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
The Affinity Suite (currently Photo, Designer and Publisher) is a new of set of cross-platform applications created from scratch to take advantage of the latest technologies/OS's, APIs etc. They are not an "upgrade path" for the legacy Serif Plus line of apps. There's no feature parity between the legacy Serif apps and the new Affinity ones so no point in providing support for the old formats or a way to convert them to the new ones since you get almost the same output as exporting from Serif apps to a known format as PDF, TIFF etc and importing them in Affinity.

If you have several (complex) projects in. dpp or any other Serif legacy file format we advise you to continue use them to edit those files and use Affinity apps for new projects or simple projects that can be easily converted to an intermediate exchange format (PDF, TIFF etc).

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