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Publisher Updating Designer Assets

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This may not be a bug, but a limitation of the software.

I am an architect and use Designer for site analysis graphics, amongst many other uses.  The graphics tend to be built up using many layers, each of which has a unique bit of data.  I then bring the graphic into publisher and select which layers I want to show.

Two things:

I have found that if I copy an placed asset and double click to edit the layers, the layer changes will affect the copy and the original.  So to avoid this, I place a fresh instance of the graphic for each view.  This works fine.


If I make a change to the original designer file, the resource manager quite helpfully tells me to update the content in the publisher file.   But... every instance of the placed graphic then gets reset to the same layer settings, so I have to go through the whole report, resetting all the layer structures.

Is there a way of the placed asset remembering the layer settings?

If not, can I please request this as a tweak to the next iteration of Publisher?

Many thanks.  Loving the software.

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  • Staff

I think that would be a feature request to save/display  the layer state of placed document. Although it may be possible to group those layers paste them into the publisher document, create a symbol then place that. Detaching each instance may then allow the layer state to be customised. Not exactly straight forward and possibly stretching what we thought symbols would be used for though.

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