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I was wondering at how I'd be able to recreate the content aware fill (on photoshop) shown in this video (at 1:45). Does affinity have something like this? I've tried using the inpainting brush tool, but could not really achieve a good result on a panorama I'm working on with AP (attached).




  • Staff

Hi Liorla,

You can make a selection using one of the selection tools and then Edit>Inpaint and that will fill the selection with the Inpainting command.  Which should give good results.

I tried this on your attached image and found i first needed to crop a bit of the transparent area away, make a selection using the Rectangle Selection Marquee and filling this with Inpainting, which worked and only needed a little tidying up.  You can then use Document>Resize Canvas to add back the cropped off Canvas and then use the Selection, inpaint fill, it should give better results as it now has a larger area to 'inpaint' from.


Screenshot 2019-10-29 at 12.57.00.jpg


Thank you for taking the time to have a look!!

I followed your suggestions, but still couldn't get a good fill unfortunately.

1. I first cropped about half of the transparent area: http://prntscr.com/pprbqp 

2. Made a selection using the rectangular marquee tool :  http://prntscr.com/pprcet 

3. Tried filling using inpaiting using, edit - fill : http://prntscr.com/pprdd5 but this didn't work unfortunately

4. When trying to use the inpainting brush tool: http://prntscr.com/ppre5n Ithe result was this: http://prntscr.com/pprf2g

Any Idea what I might be doing wrong?


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