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  1. Currently, only Affinity's iPad apps allow you to use touchscreen gestures to rotate the document view. Affinity's desktop apps on the other hand, do not support touchscreen gestures for view-rotation, yet gestures for zooming in and out are supported. While there are workarounds for this such as using the ALT+Mousewheel Scroll shortcut and trackpad gestures to rotate the view, these can be cumbersome for those like myself who draw on touchscreens laptops and are used to using gestures for rotating the document view like in many other illustration and art creation apps. Given that prominent art creation desktop apps like Photoshop and Krita allow for touchscreen gestures for document or canvas rotation, and that the Affinity Desktop Suite already supports them for zooming in/out, it feels like an oversight to not support the rotate-view gesture on desktop as well, especially since it is supported on Affinity's iPad apps. If it helps, below is an example of how Krita allows for view-rotation using just a computer's touch screen.
  2. Hi Everyone! Is that for real, that gestures that work on the Ipad version are not supported on a touch screen desktop computer that operates Windows? What did I miss? Thanks!
  3. I use Affinity Photo with the pen on a Lenovo A940 touchscreen. Since the update to 1.8 the patch tool does not work any more with the pen. After drawing the selection and moving to the source, it behaves normally until I click to apply the source. Instead of applying the source the selection is lost, so nothing changes. I can get around this only when I apply the source with the mouse instead of the pen. This is pretty cumbersome, and I would appreciate to get this fixed.
  4. I recently bought a Surface Pro with the intent of using it for design work. I know that Serif recently released Affinity Designer on the Windows Store, but I still had an extra machine on my license, and the only way to obtain the Windows Store version was to buy it all over again. So I just downloaded the PC version from Serif's site and plugged my code in. I've been trying and trying and I can't quite adapt to Designer on a touchscreen, like I did easily with Clip Studio Paint's Surface interface. If there are any undo/redo, zoom, etc gestures, I can't find them. I can't tell if there are settings within Designer I can't find that will make for an easier Tablet Mode experience, or if I've yet to properly optimize my device itself for art/design work (I hear people talk about using plug-ins that make the Surface Pen's button deploy a radial menu, but I've had no luck finding anything specific). Or did I mess up downloading (and applying my license to) the version downloaded from the website; is it only the Windows Store version that's touchscreen-friendly?
  5. Hi, I belive there is an issue with touchpad/touchscreen support. Designer version: (just installed the 90-day trial) Windows 10 I'm using a HP Spectre with touchscreen. Both the screen and touchpad are multitouch. Expected behavior: Pinching on both touchpad and touchscreen should zoom-in/out the document. Moving two fingers on the touchscreen should move the document (just like you drag it with a View Tool). Ideally I would see it working the same way on touchpad. What happens: The pinch gesture works correct on the touchscreen (sometimes it stops working though and needs restart) but on touchpad it ALWAYS works ONLY the first time (really curious to me - first zoom-in or out works perfect, after that no gesture on touchpad works like it didn't work at all. After Designer restart there is again one chance to zoom-in/out with touchpad ) Moving with two fingers on touchscreen works sometimes, sometimes it stops working (like zooming on the screen) and sometimes I get only one chance to do it (like the pinch gesture) and then it stops. I've already installed Designer trial some time ago (I believe it was version 1.6) and it had the same issues (it was working exacly the same - or NOT working actually). BTW, I'm happy to see how the Affinity products develop and get better, and this time I'm about to buy it for sure. But really hope this issues would get fixed in the future. Best regards
  6. It would be great if there was a pen / stylus only mode like in some drawing apps. This would allow the user to draw, paint and work on the canvas. At the moment it senses whenever you touch the screen making using a pen with a touchscreen very difficult.
  7. Sorry if this is a repeat, I tried to search for something in the same vein, and nothing came up. I recently upgraded my laptop to a Windows 2-in-1 compatible with the wacom ink pen (so I can look at my hand while I draw.) This puts me in tablet mode, and that's where there is a bit of a break down, as much of Affinity is in menus and hot keys, really. (Undo/redo, selection options, transform, etc) For now I'm thinking of trying at 180* setup (to remain in PC mode) with a mouse and wireless keyboard to the side, but I hope that in the future there will be a more touchscreen-friendly user interface for PC users. I imagine that the mac tablet product design could be ported to PC with relative ease? Even a custom toolbox that maps selected menu commands to a button would make a huge benefit. Also, an option to make the drawing window only recognize pen input would be lovely. (The note program Squid has something similar.) Hovering close enough to activate the pen recognition but not draw a dot before resting my palm is pretty tricky sometimes.
  8. Affinity Photo registers single touch inputs as a brush input. This is not ideal when using the software on penabled devices. Computers with an active stylus (i.e. Surface, Cintiq) let users rest their palm on the screen while using the pen, but the technology is not perfect and occasionally there are glitches where computer registers users' hand as a single finger touch input. It results in small dots and strokes all over the canvas, and it is quite frustrating to see your work speckled with these glitches after merging all the layers. It is also troublesome during the normal use as well, because you occasionally end up with unintentional lines when you just wanted to pan the canvas and unconsciously attempted to do so with only one finger as you do on many other apps. It would prevent a lot of frustrations if you could add an option to make the software react to single touch input differently rather than a brush input, for example, pan, brush size, or just do nothing.
  9. I use a Surface Book with Affinity Designer and frequently I end up drawing little spots around the canvas when I rest my hand on the screen to draw. In MyPaint there was a way around this in Preferences > Devices where you can set what pointers interact with what like so: I was wondering if Affinity Designer could benefit to gain some options like this. The current workaround for this is disabling the touch screen in device manager on my Surface so that only the stylus pen works, and this frequently gets annoying when switching back and forth and not being able to use my fingers to zoom or press buttons in the interface.
  10. One of the few things preventing me from actually sticking with the Windows beta is that there is no way for me to precisely zoom how much I want. This is easily solved in the Mac version as Macs have beautifully crafted trackpads that allow smooth navigation in 2 axes. On windows, however, this can only be achieved using touchscreen devices since as far as I know, there's no general way to get raw input from Windows trackpads. It would be nice if smooth realtime pan + zoom&rotate could be implemented on the Windows version through touch devices.
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