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  1. I have a website smart text link in my exported pdf file and it displays properly on my computer but the end user only sees a blue underline and the link is active, but no display text.
  2. Hey everyone! Sometimes, curve operations will create sharp edges on one side of a node and a smooth or smart line on the other side, resulting in only one handle being there. Do you know if there is a way to add a second handle to a node without affecting the one that is already there? I could convert the node to "Smooth" or "Smart", but this will result in changes of the handle that's already present. Best wishes, Shu EDIT: Added a file and image to show the problem. test.afdesign: The original blue shape was drawn over the orange one, so I made nodes close to the orange shape, selected them and clicked "Action" -> "Break Curve", resulting in the four new blue curves (two can be deleted, which I disabled in the file). However, those curves are missing the handles that are required to make the adjustments shown in image.png (pink lines are supposed to be the adjusted outlines of the blue shapes). test.afdesign
  3. Hi guys, I can't seem to figure out what the difference is between CONVERT TO SMOOTH and CONVERT TO SMART for a node. Is there a difference? Thank you
  4. My Strawberry Monkey is looking kinda dapper don't you think? Had some inspirational moments from something I saw online and I thought i'd attempt to make MSM look stylish in AD. Check out his watch. Want one... Allan
  5. Hi Affinity Am concerned you do not understand the full power of Smart Objects, I notice (reading your facebook replies) that you believe they are merely about lossless layer resizing Smart-objects offer hundreds of creative and practical uses as well. I mention some of the reasons below, but note these are just my uses, power-users might have even better uses Photoshop lets you choose between "New smart-object" and "New smart-object via copy. (don't worry if you don't understand the difference yet, this list should still make sense) When you duplicate a smart-object multiple times, you can (if you want) change just one single smart-object and all the smart-objects in your document change. These many objects can still be manipulated in your master document, but you can return to your smart object and add or change stuff that effects every instance Example - I add a country fence in front of a scene - built with 60 pieces of wood, but the client decides it should be new timber with rounded tops instead. I go and change my one smart-object piece of timber, boom, the whole fence is immediately changed This can create very beautiful effects very quickly, but it is also very practical. When we design a new app icon/branding, we make just one icon and then we have a prebuilt template (which 1000s of people download and use too) we can automatically see what the icon looks like on iPhone, iPad, in the app store, in a promotion, etc etc Also we use smart-objects to build a final design, where many many components have been created separately. So you might have a number models whom you have airbrushed from a shoot separately, each with lots of different layers, effects etc, everything still exists in this original document, and you can either edit your final version or dig deeper to each individual file This also helps keep your master project tidy with certain things nested awayRemember creatives don't just use Photoshop for image editing!!! High end users will only come to you if you maintain an open mind. If you have any doubt about the smart-objects prevalence: in Google there are 1,290,000 results for the three word search photoshop smart object. This article is good http://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-smart-objects-in-photoshop--cms-20268 Please please reconsider including some sort of smart-objects. Very very very excited about your software. Desperately want to ditch as many Adobe products as possible
  6. Hello, tout d'abord, je suis désolé pour l'utilisation de ma langue maternelle, mais mon niveau en anglais, ne me permet pas de vous répondre, vous pouvez toutefois y répondre en anglais sans problème. Voilà, l'application m'intéresse fortement pour mes études, mais je ne trouve pas une fonction vraiment très pratique. Ce serait quelque chose qui ressemble au fameux "Smart Copy" d'iDraw ou "Blend Tool" d'illustrator, c'est un outil permettant de répéter une forme de façon à créer des compteurs, par exemple. Affinity Designer possède t-il déjà une telle fonction ? Ou celle-ci est-elle déjà dans les cartons ? Cordialement
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