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  1. Is there a chance Affinity Suite will add export to pdf/a support. I am a genealogy person and am required to transcribe records and write some historical accounts etc. The file types the archiving world prefers are pdf/a (and its versions). As I understand, pdf/x (and its versions) work, although they carry extra information, and, likely will be required for the odd file I use, but I am wondering if they are creating larger files than needed. Whereas the pdf/a series may be a little more trimmed down. Thanks Aidren
  2. I've muddled through two book projects. Now, I'm trying to draw up a standards documents for future projects. Can someone help me to understand the relationships between the following elements? New Document Setup Color Profile Adjustment Layers Embedded Images that contain color Conversion of color images to Grayscale Why PDF/X doesn't like Greyscale D50 color profile During the first two books, I didn't know about adjustment layers. Browsing the forums today, I learned that color images can be turned black and white. This would save me the step of converting images to grayscale before embedding them into AP. I want to be certain that no color appears in the PDF.
  3. I need to export the work as a pdf/x-1a:2003 file. But when I do export, a portion of the image is distorted. I have no idea why this is happening or how to correct the issue. I tried exporting as pdf/X-3:2003 just to see if it was the specific format, but the image distorted exactly the same way in that export too. I need to find a solution soon, because I have an approaching deadline. I attached images of what the original looks like, and the export (with the big black blob, and some other new lines). Does anybody have an idea what might be going on, and how I might correct this? Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you. (I made the image in Designer v1, and am exporting from Publisher v1.)
  4. Greetings from Brazil to all users of the affinity designer. I want to share that it is possible to save pdf x1a: 2001, using affinity designer + scribus 1.5.5 + color profile in an easy and free way. Come on, install the free program scribus 1.5.5 (it must be this version or higher, depends on when you see this post), you can do this through this link, remember to choose 32 or 64 bits depending on your windows: https://www.scribus.net/downloads/unstable-branch/ After installing the scribus, we need to download the color patterns, we can do this through this link directly from the Adobe website. https://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/iccprofiles/icc_eula_win_dist.html Accept the terms and you will be directed to the download page. After downloading the file on your pc unzip and click on the profiles, this will add to your scribus. Now open the scribus, click on File (on the top menu), then on Preferences, in the window that opens, go to Color Management, configure Document Profiles to add the colors profiles that best suit your needs, but remember to leave the same color profile you use in the affinity designer. In document Rendering Intents, select Relative colorimetric and click ok (This setting will be done only once). Come on, save a file in the affinity designer as pdf x1a: 2003 cmyk, open this pdf in the scribus, click on File -> Export -> PDF-> in General configure compatibility for PDF X1a: 2001, Done that click on Pre- Press and configure PDF / X Output Intent - (Output Profile - for the profile you chose in the previous steps) click save and you're done. I hope to help everyone who needs pdf x1a: 2001 for printing. God bless you
  5. Hallo zusammen, mal schauen, ob es hier auch eine deutsche Community gibt Ich hatte mich so drauf gefreut, nach InDesign mein erstes Projekt mit dem Publisher umzusetzen. Doch zwei Dinge haben mir die Freude daran ein wenig verhagelt: 1.) Publisher friert ein: Ich hatte ab und zu auf Win10 eine erhöhte Prozessorauslastung, deutlich höher als vorher, und Publisher rührte sich kaum mehr. Zuletzt musste ich das Programm über den Taskmanager abstürzen lassen. Glücklicherweise funktionierte die Wiederherstellung und ich konnte normal weiter arbeiten. Keine Ahnung woran das liegt. Vielleicht hat ja auch darauf jemand eine Antwort...? 2.) Mein Hauptproblem: PDF/X-Ausgabe. Ob nun als X-1a, X-3 oder X-4, solange man beim Rastern "Nicht unterstützte Eigenschaften" angewählt hat, rastert Publisher ALLES. Ich erhalte also quasi eine große Bilddatei. Warum? Schwarze Texte sind darin nicht überdruckt, obwohl angewählt. Auch ein neu auf 4c-angelegtes Schwarz (0/0/0/100), welches extra auf Überducken gestellt wurde, wird nicht überdruckt. Also habe ich das Raster mal auf "Nichts" gestellt und siehe da, Publisher kann sehr wohl Vektor-Daten ausgeben und Schriften einbetten. Die Schriften sind dann bei X-1a und X-3 auch richtig überdruckt, aber nicht bei X-4?!?! Ebenfalls "interessant": Bei der Einstellung wo nichts gerastert wird, kann der Publisher bei Ausgabe von X-1a sowie X-3 nicht mit Transparenzen aus dem eigenen Hause, nämlich Affinity Photo-Dateien, umgehen. Die transparenten Schatten waren einfach ausgegraut! In allen PDF/X-Varianten werden zudem die eigenen Publisher-Schatten und auch 3D-Effekte einfach weggelassen. Wenn ich rastern angebe, sind die natürlich da, aber eigentlich wollte ich nicht eine mehrseitige Broschüre zu einem riesigen Megabyte-Ungetüm aufblähen, mit zudem deutlichen Qualitätseinbußen beim Druck. Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen. Klappt bei euch die PDF-Ausgabe etwa problemlos? Gibts irgendwelche Tipps? Oder muss ich im Moment damit leben, bis der Publisher dahingehend irgendwann mal verbessert wird? Freue mich über eure Rückemeldungen! Gruß Leo
  6. Dear Affinity Users and Developers We’re just in the process of evaluating Affinity Publisher (tested with and and we’ve come upon a problem with the PDF/X export: In our workflow our print PDF files are checked in Adobe Acrobat against the preflight profile PDFX-ready Sheetfed Offset Classic HQ V1.5. Among other things this profile checks the MD5 checksums of the used ICC profile against a pre-defined list of profiles known to be appropriate for offset printing. When exporting a PDF as PDF/X-1a with the ICC profile ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI) from Affinity Publisher the preflight returns this error: Looking at the preflight report in the section Output Intents I noticed a difference between a PDF exported from InDesign and Affinity Publisher: The Output Intent is stated as ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI) for the InDesign-PDF and as ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI) (Custom) for Affinity Publisher The Color Management Module had a value of HDM (InDesign) and lcms (Affinity Publisher). Primäre Zielplattform (in English probably: Primary Target Platform): empty (InDesign) and Apple Computer, Inc. (APPL) (Affinity Publisher) Profil erstellt mit (in English probably: Profile created with): Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (HDM ) (InDesign) and lcms (Affinity Publisher) The other fields were the same in both files. So I suspected this to be the reason for the different MD5 checksums. But not being an expert on the ins and outs of PDFs and colour management I turned to HilfDirSelbst.ch where we discussed this (in German) in this thread. Olaf Drümmer of callas concluded (my translation): So the question is Is Affinity Publisher correct in changing the meta-data of the profile when writing the PDF file? And if so: Would PDFX-ready need to append their list of MD5 checksums to include those of profiles created with lcms? Any insights and suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Best phph
  7. Most of the PDF export options in the Affinity apps are pretty self explanatory but for the PDF/X… options? What advantages/features do they offer? And in what use cases may these be better export options to consider?
  8. Hi folks, hello Serif-Team, I need to export my work as PDF/X (3), many advertising agencies, printing companies or clients ask for it. Will Affinity Designer support this important format/settings? If so, when? ;)
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