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Found 8 results

  1. The Batch Job feature in Affinity Photo is great, but one crucial feature that's missing is the ability to select multiple folders and subfolders and all the images inside automatically being added to the list. The whole idea of the Batch Job is to save time from manual labour, and sometimes having to go through tens of folders and subfolders and manually selecting all image files to be batch processed is a very manual and time consuming process. Thanks
  2. Is there a way now to organize the colour panel better? I have hundreds of colour swatch groups that I would like to organize better than the current one long list approach. Nameable folders or something similar would be ideal. Cheers for any response. 🙂
  3. I use an SSD for my primary drive, and a regular hard drive for data storage. I would like to be able to change the locations used by Affinity for caching/swap files/etc. to minimize writes to my SSD. Thank you.
  4. This will be my first post! - I'm a new user, a hobbyist with a newfound passion for graphic design thanks to your applications. I've been working with Affinity now for about 4 months. I'm in love with this program. It's gotten to the point where I've begun to plan porting projects from other programs into your platform. That being said, I'd like to talk a little about the main screen. I would like to suggest an option for a folder view. I like to keep things tightly organized. My Affinity iCloud folder is very tightly organized, but it doesn't show up in my iPad app. I've set my default save location as my iCloud account. I've noticed that, when I create a file, play around a bit, and delete it, it will remain in my iCloud affinity folder. So, after playing around a bit, I often find a bunch of my "junk" files laying around un organized and untitled. I'd been learning the basics of graphic design with Graphic app, and while it is not as powerful as Affinity, it had a really nice home screen, and the file management was spot on. I took a screen shot of it, and wanted to put it here. When I see this screenshot, I get excited imagining what it would be like if my Affinity app's main screen looked and behaved similiarly. Is there any hope for this kind of option? I mean, I know some people like the masonry/wall scrolling feel, but personally. I'd love to be able to turn on an option, and keep things in folders etc. That's it ladies and gents. Just some folder action. Really into this app! Thank you so much for everything you've done. I have spent hours and hours lying in bed or on park benches drawing, and tweaking, and sketching, and building, and I plan on spending many more hours doing just the same. CHEERS!
  5. Does Affinity Photo have folders similar to those in Photoshop, such as Brushes, Tools, etc.? I could not find these when I went to Finder on my Mac. All I saw was one file called Affinity Photo.app. These folders are useful for downloading new content, such as brushes. Thanks, Diane
  6. It would be very useful for the batch function to be able to save as SVG and to be able to select a whole folder as the input rather than individual files
  7. In the Affinity Designer, the Media browser is a great tool but not so great. There should be 3 more features. 1. Add custom folders by clicking any [+] sign, instead of only dragging folders into it. 2. The folders in thumbnail section are not clickable. only tree expanding is possible to access content inside of folder. Please make folders click able and add [back] and [up] buttons too. (I'm sure you understand what i mean) 3. Also add a small option of sort by [name],,[date],[type] etc. There is a bug too.. I will also post this into BUGS section. If we right click on Folders' thumbnail. we see two options. "open" and "view in finder". That Open only blanks the thumbnail view B)
  8. I have one question regarding Affinity Photo; does it have the ability to organise layres into folders in a psd-file? To be able to import a psd-file into Toon Boom that has to be done and it can't be done with Photoshop Elements which I have. This is the explanation Toon Boom gives:
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