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Found 6 results

  1. Hey everyone! It would be great if there was an option to "Edit in Publisher" for Designer and Photo. Best wishes, Shu
  2. Hello I run Affinity Photo 1.6.6 and Affinity Designer 1.5.1 it used to be easy to switch from one to the other, by simply clicking on edit in Designer when I was in Photo and edit in Photo when I was in Designer. Now I can't even import a Photo file created by Affinity Photo into Designer unless I convert it into a jep. What am I missing ?
  3. Hi Can I edit placed Affinity Photo image in AP instead of side tab in Affinity Designer? It means change default action for the button "Edit Document". If the file is AP document then open in AP. Thanks Robert
  4. tl;dr Feature Request: If the file has not been save, AD / AP should prompt you to save before invoking a File > Edit in… action. Here's a not so fun little exercise… Start a new file in AD. Create some stuff (ideally spend a good hour making something really gorgeous). Important: Do not save your work! Now click File > Edit in Photo. AD kindly closes your file (without prompting you to save). AP now opens your (temporary) file. Now close AP. AP will warn you that the file is unsaved… BUT since you haven't actually made any changes in AP, you figure that there is nothing to save - right? Click 'No' and AP graciously closes the file. Now neither AD not AP have any record of the file ever existing, and your work is gone. OK - it is a rather convoluted example, and yes it is to some degree my fault, but I do think Affinity ought to try to save you from your own stupidity!
  5. Usually all my Affinity changes show up in Apple Photos but when I go to make further edits in Affinity all the changes get lost. Is this happening to anyone else? Is this a bug? It almost seems like I should just edit all my photos from the Finder since it doesn't look like the Apple Photo to Affinity Photo "edit in" feature is working. Frustrating. The layers usually get flattened when exiting from Affinity but does that mean I can't go back and keep the look of the edits I just did? That doesn't make sense to me.
  6. Today I went to Apple Photo to try to edit a photo I had been working on in Affinity but when it opened up all my changes were gone. Then the photo changed to a different photo in Apple Photo. In other words the same photo is showing up Apple Photo twice and one photo disappeared almost entirely. I would go to Time Machine to restore that old version of photo that somehow got messed up. But I don't know how to do that. I can't find that option in Apple Photos. Please help!
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