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  1. Hi, the "difference" blend mode is great to spot any differneces between 2 layers. Identical pixel blend to pure black, any difference are rendered to non-black, which can be amplified by a levels adjustment. Unfortunately, this will only work when alpha is 1 (pure white). Otherwise, he blend formula will lead to non-zero results for color and below-one results for alpha, making this useless for spoting differences. My question: Is this by design? To be useful for spotting differneces, i would expect it to deliver RGB=0 and alpha=1 if both layers have equal RGB and alpha values, for those cases where alpha <> 1, too. In the picture, you can find a gradient in the bottom from white to black, 100% opacity In the top, a copy of the gradient with 50% opacity On the left, the original gradients. On the right, i added a copy with blend mode "difference". As you can see, only the right bottom quarter shows pure black as expected. The right upper quarter shows non-black, even if the layers are 100% identical both in RGB and alpha. blend mode difference and alpha.afphoto
  2. Hi there is a problem with visibility of HSL filter influence on an image in editor in CMYK8 document colour mode. In CMYK8 mode HSL changes are almost invisible but after exporting to PDF you can see real changes that have been made. It is very misleading then you have no correct colour view in editor. DropBox link to download the Source and PDF files
  3. Following an AP tutorial I have created my own swatches. I use 5 colours palette that to my judgment correspond well to what i see in the original (template) image. If this is not a case, the 5 colour palette by AP is incorrect, I create a swatch again with a higher number of colors and make my selection to limit them to again 5. When color grading with 5 colours I add 5 colours from the swatch palette very carefully by ensuring that the Location value on color grading scale matches the Lightness (L) value of the color an indicated in a window for color picker. When I copy the colour palette from the swatch and apply it to my own image the result is different as regards tonality. Some additional adjustments are needed to match my image with the template. However, it is almost never the same. Is it what correct? Using swatches for color grading does not guarantee that the image that is edited will match the template and there might be differences?
  4. I'm not sure if this question has been asked before but I think the answer will be interesting. Basically what I'm asking is: What functionality does Designer have that Publisher will not have? Or, to put it another way: Once I have Publisher, what will I need Designer for? There has been a lot of discussion about what functionality Publisher should have but I've not read anything about what Publisher will not - or should not - have. I only ask as Designer already does most of what a DTP application should do except for things like text flow, linked frames, and some other stuff, so I'm wondering how Designer and Publisher will be different from each other. For instance, will Publisher have the Pixel persona and pixel tools that Designer has, or will those be dropped? Or will Publisher have fewer effects or adjustments? Or will Publisher have fewer export options? Etc. Etc. If, to put it simply, "Publisher = Designer + Other Tools" then there would be no need for Designer, so I think it's a reasonable assumption to make that something will be "missing" and I was just wondering what that will be. Does anyone have any actual details? (I realise that Publisher isn't in Beta yet but I would guess that someone must have a reasonable idea about what it will/won't do so near to a release date.)
  5. Can some one tell me what the difference is between a fill layer and a pixel layer, if there is a difference? The one difference that I know of is that when a fill layer is used you can continue to edit a gradient but on a pixel layer you can't. cheers, Jason
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