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  1. First of all, thank you for implementing Asian line breaking rules even though it's still immature. I will be reporting issues about it here. The first problem I found is that the rules don't work with directional quotation “” This is the rules that Microsoft Word uses Japanese Can not start line: !%),.:;?]}¢°’”‰′″℃、。々〉》」』】〕ぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎ゛゜ゝゞァィゥェォッャュョヮヵヶ・ーヽヾ!%),.:;?]}。」、・ァィゥェォャュョッー゙゚¢ Can not end line: $([\{£¥‘“〈《「『【〔$([{「£¥ Chinese Can not start line: !%),.:;>?]}¢¨°·ˇˉ―‖’”…‰′″›℃∶、。〃〉》」』】〕〗〞︶︺︾﹀﹄﹚﹜﹞!"%'),.:;?]`|}~¢ Can not end line: $([{£¥·‘“〈《「『【〔〖〝﹙﹛﹝$(.[{£¥ This is Adobe's I guess this is better than Microsoft's since most designers are used to Adobe's And a reason it's slightly different from Microsoft's can be because Adobe targets Unicode only. Both Japanese & Chinese Can not start line: !),.:;?]}¢—’”‰℃℉、。々〉》」』】〕ぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎ゛゜ゝゞァィゥェォッャュョヮヵヶ・ーヽヾ!%),.:;?]} Can not end line: ([{£§‘“〈《「『【〒〔#$(@[{¥ Inseparable character - can 't be broken when repeated like ……… —‥… Hanging punctuation - can stick out to outside of the text frame if it's at the right edge. 、。,.
  2. This remains unfixed, and is actually not limited to Publisher, but a bug across all Affinity products. 中日韓亞洲標點符號排版問題
  3. Would be nice if you could offer a font pack as either of bundled or separated product. Especially Japanese fonts are expensive if I buy them from a font developer directly. So Adobe or Corel is bundling some fonts to their product and it's convenient for users. So people in Japan are hoping you to provide a font pack.
  4. This remains unfixed. 中日韓亞洲標點符號排版問題
  5. I am working on a book using phonetics, and as I try to search for words with an apostrophe in it, it returns no results. I have tried different types of apostrophe type symbols with no success. Another update I am still waiting for, is support for other asian languages that have wrap around below and above such as SE asian languages like Thai, or Cambodian. This is not supported in affinity software: ខ្ញុំ it will look like this: ខ្ ញ ុ ំ
  6. The line breaking rules in East Asian languages specify how to wrap East Asian Language text such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Certain characters in those languages should not come at the end of a line, certain characters should not come at the start of a line, and some characters should never be split up across two lines. For example, periods and closing parenthesesare not allowed to start a line. Many word processing and desktop publishing software products have built-in features to control line breaking rules in those languages. Line breaking rules in Chinese text Line breaking rules for Chinese language have been described in the reference of Office Open XML, Ecma standard.There are rules about certain characters that are not allowed to start or end a line, such as below. Simplified Chinese Characters that are not allowed at the start of a line :!%),.:;?]}¢°·'""†‡›℃∶、。〃〆〕〗〞﹚﹜!"%'),.:;?!]}~ Characters that are not allowed at the end of a line :$(£¥·'"〈《「『【〔〖〝﹙﹛$(.[{£¥ wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_breaking_rules_in_East_Asian_languages Line breaking rules in East Asian (CJK) text.afpub
  7. See this thread for context. I'm using AD 1.7.1 from the Mac App Store on a MBP. Though rendering in AD/AP for Khmer script is complete and correct, it has a bug, which requires a difficult and sometimes debilitating workaround to use Khmer effectively. Because I need Khmer script to work out-of-the-box, I have invested a significant amount of time to provide as much information as is possible to repeat it and identify it, in hopes it will be fixed in the short term. This bug did not exist previously. Before, most Khmer fonts would be rendered correctly and normally. I am unsure when this problem appeared. See attached image. By default, Khmer text is rendered incorrectly in AD/AP. But for some reason, adding extra characters on the end of a string of text mysteriously makes AD render the Khmer script correctly, but only when you add enough characters. It begins correctly rendering counting backward a certain number of characters. And as you add more random characters on the end, more of the original string begins to render correctly. At a minimum, this demonstrates that AD/AP can render Khmer text correctly. Therefore, this seems like it might be a bug. Furthermore, in apparently any block of Khmer text, if I add enough random characters after the block (with no LF/CR; that is, directly connected to the block), all of the block of Khmer text will eventually render correctly. The more characters in the block of text, the more random characters at the end that are needed. Random characters on the end that cause this behavior must be Khmer characters. Latin characters do not work. Alternatively, I can add nothing but spaces—like 20 or 30 spaces—and as long as a single Khmer character follows, the rendering is correct in the block of text. At whatever point a carriage return is found, the process must be repeated for the new string to render that paragraph correctly. Lastly, in a Khmer string, if any of the random characters added to the end of the text have any kind of different style applied to them, the rendering in the text string is broken again, just as if no extra characters were added at all. Thank you for your time to solve this problem. Let me know if you have any questions that I can help with. I have also attached the font I was using in this example. Its behavior is exactly the same as many other fonts. Kh Baphnom iChannli Version 2.30 January 18, 2017.ttf
  8. Please make hyphenation for English words in Asian language possible. If I enable hyphenation on Asian text, text style will be totally broken. Adobe's can hyphenate only English words in an Asian language.(Refer attached image)
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