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  1. Thanks! Let's hope it's coming in 2.7 then. It certainly baffles me... thought this would have been implemented years ago. Cheers.
  2. Is there any updates on this? Am going to work on some book projects with both printed and ebook options. Cheers.
  3. Hi is there a video guide how to setup two different/separate assignable character/paragraph styles? Cheers.
  4. 129 or 399 Euros for Personal and Commercial respectively... Aside from East Asian language support, how does it compare to Affinity Publisher? Cheers.
  5. When a product that sells for the cost of one or two months' subscription of another, shortcomings are to be expected... One option, if the market is big enough, is to charge extra for advanced CJK typesetting features. Cheers.
  6. Interesting! The books are even bilingual.
  7. Agree. Until Apple decides to adopt AVIF, handling these next-gen formats on the hosting / website level seems to be the best solution in most cases. That being said, I do hope Apple will do so asap. The comparisons I've glanced are very good. And who knows... webp is Google's, but Apple is part of the AV1 group. If Apple / Safari does adopt AVIF, then the Affinity range shall do so as well, as we're talking about like.... >95% browser share? Probably won't happen for a year or so though. Cheers.
  8. Then, do I need to change other styles like bold, italics, underline, spacing... separately? Is it the same in other software e.g. InDesign? The reason this is needed is that, the western fonts (e.g. English characters, Arabic numerals) in some Asian fonts are subpar, so we usually use 2 sets of fonts in the same paragraph / work. Cheers.
  9. Below is a screenshot from MS Word, how to do so in Affinity products? Cheers.
  10. https://affinityspotlight.com/article/affinity-184-updates-available-now No mention of improved Asian punctuation support aside from "Chinese Font names now show in Chinese", but a brief test seems to show that some improvements have been made. Cheers.
  11. Is the changes already implemented or we're still waiting for the next release? Cheers.
  12. Understand from the development standpoint, but if Serif is serious about tackling the issue, either you have to hire an expert/consultant on this topic, and/or work more transparently or actively with users like @ashf. Personally I'm impressed by the work @ashf and the Japanese Affinity userbase has done what's basically free QA for Serif. You don't find it in other places very often. Given time, people will lose interest, give up and move on. Just my 2 cents.
  13. The current punctuation "fix" is a makeshift workaround only. If Serif is serious about capturing the CJK Asian market, they need to consult a proper expert and re-think the whole thing from the ground up. Just my 2 cents. Cheers.
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