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  1. I had some minor suggestions on the artboard tool that would save me one or two steps. Allow the artboard tool to handle custom sizes at creation (Main focus of this post) Allow the artboard tool to create & delete artboard presets Show what size presets currently are. I work with print a lot and affinity artboard presets are currently mobile/device focused, allowing me to enter custom sizes would save me a little time. Allowing me to create custom presets / swap presets like affinity already has would be a bonus. I included a quick example of what I mean compared to what we currently have. What we currently have 👇 An example of how the rename widow could look was also included, affinity pretty much could reuse their rename preset window. Every time I use artboards I think man if only they made this one step instead of two or three.
  2. Actually it also means the created artboard adds 1 pixel to the left or on the top. It's a random behavior. So far the bug only happens when I select vector objects to create artboard. Even for the same file and same object, sometimes it's fine, sometimes it shifts to x, sometimes it shifts to y, sometimes both. I also experience the same problem when exporting files to SVG. (the SVG shifts 1 pixel. Even worst, it can be all directions. And objects can possibly be misaligned) Please pay attention to the xy coordinate of the vector objects from the transform panel at the bottom right corner from the recording. (I used ctrl-z to do several tries with same object and file.) It shifted 1 pixel to y at 0:09 and to x at 1:01, but didn't the other tries. Affinity Designer 2 2022-12-10 17-13-19.mp4 It shifted at 0:16 Affinity Designer 2 2022-12-10 17-12-15.mp4 Open the attached file and select the larger vector object > Insert Artboard (Selection). Then you will be supposed to see the problem. But if you do other actions (e.g. delete or move any objects), then you may see other results. pixel shift b.afdesignpixel shift a.afdesign This bug maybe related: System: Lenovo Legion Y540-15IRH i7-9750HFRAM 16GBNVIDIA GeForce RTX2060Windows 11 Home 22H2 22623.1028Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22638.1000.0
  3. The live filters under the artboard behave differently from V1. When it's applied to a parent layer, it won't affect children. live-filter-problem.afphoto
  4. I opened a large PDF in Affinity Designer, everything looks fine, but then I tried to copy an Artboard from another doc to the current doc (which worked fine in 1.8) it only shows the selection box, this is after I re-saved as an .afdesign. I figured maybe it was landing on an existing Artboard so decided to create a new Artboard and just copy the contents, but the Artboard tool was suddenly locked and I got an error message saying "Artboard Tool - Artboards cannot be added to a document with multiple pages or master pages. This doesn't make sense for two reasons 1) Since the Affinity apps all share code, this seems like it would be an Affinity Publisher issue since you can't even create Pages/Master pages in Affinity Designer. 2) I can create new Artboards through duplication (Alt-Drag). It's not a memory issue because I have 32GB free. Can we please get a bug fix for this. Thank you.
  5. Hey I was wondering if there was an easy way to create artboards set to print sizes? I see that I can set them to mobile/device sizes but is there a quick way I can resize an artboard to print sizes? I didn't see anything at first glance. Also is there a way to set the size of certain artboard to be like 4x6 and others to be like 6x8? I didn't see a way to manually set size without trying to drag the artboard nodes to the right size, I'd like to be able to type in artboard sizes and create them that way.
  6. Hi, I'm trying to resize and scale the contents of an artboard that I duplicated. I've searched the forum but am only finding posts from people trying to do the opposite (expand the artboard without scaling its contents). In this post: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/15756-resizing-artboard-also-resized-layers-inside-of-it/?p=71554 MEB seems to suggest that using the Move Tool to resize an artboard will indeed scale its layers accordingly, while using the Artboard Tool resizes the artboard without scaling its contents. I've tried resizing the artboard with both tools but they both do the same thing (resize the artboard without scaling its contents). I've also tried using the transform panel but that also does the same thing. I've also tried using the Document Setup panel which does have options for changing size and scaling the contents or anchoring them to the page, but these options are greyed out and unselectable. How can I resize an artboard and scale its contents in one go? Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Hi Everyone Am unable to locate the Artboard Tool in Affinity Designer. Has this tool been removed? I can create an artboard using Doc Setup. Can also select the artboard that gets created and duplicate into a new artboard and rename. However the actual Tool within toolbox is missing.
  8. https://gyazo.com/210e5c5a43e0e10403ded0904216d3c1 For example i want to cut my art board fitting to the text. So just perfect cut without space on the border. But my art board cuts it weird. its like it moves the "cut" On the animation you can see top left is a space between, on the bottom right it cuted too much sry cant explain well, hope you can help me
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