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Found 6 results

  1. The actual size zoom option is not physically correct on my screen. I'm on Windows 10 and use a 175% scaling for a 4k screen. When actual size tells me something is 20mm long (I measured the ruler as well as objects), I can measure this corresponds to something close to 6 cm in real world size. The zoom percentage used for actual size is exactly the same as 100%, but shouldn't the actual size correspond to the physical size in the real world? This zoom level is the same for the 2.2 release candidate and 2.1.
  2. I am trying to see on my screen my image in the actual print size -- I mean the size it would be if it was printed -- on both the Affinity Photo and Designer programs for iPad. Can't seem to find it - I found the navigator function displaying the view at 100% but I am not sure that means that it is print size?  Also, I would like to be able to change the DPI of the image. I found how to do it from Affinity Photo desktop (under resize) but not on the iPad version. I am trying to have 300DPI for my image, and I need the program to resize the file accordingly as I don't know how many pixels that would be.  Thank you.
  3. I would like to be able to view my Affinity Designer document as it will appear when printed. For example, when I created a new document I set the document size to 203 mm x 279 mm and I would like to see it displayed on my iPad at this size. I suspect that the answer to this question is either very simple or very complicated. Thanks.
  4. Ok, this one is probably just a newbie question but I just don't get it yet. How can I see the real document size (in pixels)? I tested with all the zoom percentages and size options but I still can't see the real document size in affinity. I want to create a document that match my screen size, which is 2880x1800px and 220ppi (macbook pro retina display). - New document is created with 2880x1800px and 72dpi. - Go to view and select 100%. This will show the document way bigger than the screen size. - Go to view and select Actual Size. This will show the document smaller than the screen size. - Change the dpi to 300dpi. This change the actual size, now the document looks smaller on 100% zoom. - Now I change it to 220dpi just on test if the dpi has something to do with the ppi of the screen but it doesn't. Conclusion: - I had no idea what is coming on here but it seems imposible to precisely match my screen pixel size. - Why the dpi value affects the actual size? since Im working with pixels, dpi should not have any effect on the document size. Did I missed a setting? I also tried by selecting the Pixel (Retina) mode and Pixel Size mode, but neither resolve the problem. My logic says that if you set a 100% zoom it should display all the pixels of your document, and if your document has the same pixel size of your screen, it should match perfectly with it. This is the way in which Photoshop, Pixelmator and many other works. Thanks in advance!
  5. Thanks for letting users get a first impression of Affinity Publisher at this early stage ( on Windows 7, 64 bit, German). And since this a bug forum, I just report basic bugs or strange behaviour, but not the good stuff: Page Up + Page Down keys don't work: Independent of the number of pages, the magnification, or whether or not an object or some text is selected, the PgUp/PgDn keys don't do anything. It would be nice to have them work properly, e.g., as in PagePlus... Unintuitive ruler subdivisions: This is valid for all Affinity programs, but I didn't bother to mention this until now: The ruler subdivisions are sometimes unintuitive and difficult to interpret. In the attached screenshot 'rulers.png' with mm rulers, there are 20 subdivisions from 40 to 60, which is wonderful. Unfortunately, every fourth tick is longer than the others, letting you easily see the not-so-often wanted and rather unimportant numbers 44, 48, 52 and 56. It would be much nicer if the longer ticks were also distributed in 1-2-5 distances, in this case 20 subdivisions as before, but every fifth tick longer, to show the much more important numbers 45, 50 and 55. Missing 'Actual size' zoom: The help pages claim that some 'Actual size zoom' popup would be available in the document setup for pixel and point document units, but I could never see anything like that. Optical alignment edit fields buggy: In the 'Edit text style' dialog, the optical alignment can be defined in a style similar to PagePlus (fine). Unfortunately, all the 'Right' edit fields don't work properly: The percentage one enters there is properly used for the text style (fine), but, after pressing Enter or focusing a different edit field, the entered percentage is divided by 100, rounded and then displayed. This then shows only one of the two choices '0%' or '1%' (numbers up to 49 are rounded to 0, numbers from 50 onwards are rounded to 1). The previously entered value is still properly used for the text style, but the user cannot see that in the edit field any more. 'Ignore space for same styles' not fully memorised: In the 'Edit text style' dialog, the spacing setting 'Ignore space for same styles' is not correctly memorised. After closing the dialog and opening it again, it always shows up 'greyed', independent of the selected state when closing the dialog with OK. Decoration buttons undecipherable: In the 'Edit text style' dialog, all the 'decoration' buttons show an image that is either misleading or unintelligible: The first four show a grey fill (but are not used for the fill) and the position of the lines is more or less invisible (at least for me), and the fifth shows a border, but no fill (this is used for the fill, but not the borders). Very confusing. The images should better be self-explanatory, as in the attached picture 'decorations.png'. With best regards, Andreas Weidner
  6. Having watched the quick Vimeo tutorial I have to wonder how an image can be truly representative of the size, since although the software can determine your actual working system resolution, how can it know your screen ppi? Have I missed or misconstrued the point or is this a real matter?
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