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  1. Hallo, wo sind die exe Dateien für die o.g. Programme. (Universal Lizenz). Ohne Exe kann ich die Programme nicht in andere einbinden und auch keine neuen Icons auf Rocket Dock erzeugen. Ich kann zwar die heruntergeladene msix Datei über PeaZip in einen Ordner entpacken und habe dann auch eine exe Datei. das Programm kann ich auch über die exe starten. Gestern kam die Anzeige, das ein Update auf 2.03 vorliegt. ich habe dieses installiert und dann wieder über die exe gestartet. Es startet aber immer nur die Version 2.00 und nicht 2.03. Wann kann ich die Programme als exe Installation erhalten? Ist es überhaupt vorgesehen dieses zu ermöglichen? Falls dieses nicht angeboten wird, muss ich wohl von dem 30 Tage Rückgaberecht gebrauch machen. Danke für eine schnelle Antwort auf Deutsch. Grüße
  2. Hi Affinity Developers How can I connect Affinity Photo 2 with e.g. Bridge as external editor? This is a mega serious issue on Windows 10 Home. On a Mac no problem, I tried to help a friend being on Windows 10 Home. For normal users having no clue of %ProgramData% etc. it's literally impossible go find the Exe File. Even I had serious problem until I found it, but I could not connect it to any other softwere, there were always strange error messages. Even the solution provided in does not help. It just does not work. The local windows user is a Standard user and has no admin right. And this is good like so. %ProgramData% has some hardcore access restrictions and that is also good like so. Changing here anything may ugly mess up the Windows 10 system. The provided solutions also expect Windows system admin skills and admin rights of the user, please forget solutions like that. It is a total design flaw in Affinity Photo 2. Please change that immediately, thanks. Q: Is it really necessary to mess with customers like so? Why the heck is the exe not located on the same place like Affinity Photo 1 is? That's really bad. Best regards, Roland
  3. As the new apps are shipped as .MSIX package for Windows and there is some confusion about the location and accessibility of the executable (.exe) - the 0KB exe files are in the specific user folder (as opposed to C:\Users\Default) . I am wondering if it can be used by the second user (non admin) on the same computer - could anyone please clarify?
  4. Hi. It is a silly question, but I would like to solve it. Why can not the icon be seen in the link or in the .exe? Any suggestions? Thank you very much in advance.
  5. AFFINITY PUBLISHER & DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS "Affinity Publisher will be crafted to help professional designers get the very best results on every layout, page, magazine, book, and digital publication, with stunning typography and vibrant colour." I don't know if this is jumping the gun but... As a user of PagePlus, Quark Xpress, and InDesign I can tell you that PagePlus is up there when it comes to paper-based publishing. However, PagePlus has always fallen short in the area of digital publishing. The audio and video players embedded in PDF files looked really bad in comparison to InDesign produced PDF files with audio and video files embedded within. InDesign one is able to output to Flash (at least when I was using version 5 of the Adobe Suite). Sure, Flash is dead. One of the attributes that I would like within Affinity Publisher would be to create beautiful, elegant looking PDF files with audio and video embedded. The HTML5 Another attribute would be to export to HTML5... Here I envisage web-like pages that can include PowerPointesque slideshows; magazine style web pages and so on. I would imagine that HTML5 could create and include some nice transitions between pages/slides. EPUB Oh! Yes! When it came to EPublications, PagePlus was abysmal. I would want the EPUB capabilities to produce excellent and consistent results each and every time. MOBILE APPS & EXES I would also like Affinity Publisher to produces APKs for Android and the equivalent for iOS apps. I would imagine that this can be achieved by using a combination of HTML5 and Java. NO WEBPLUS EQUIVALENT??? I think it was Alfred who stated that there will be no WebPlus equivalent in the Affinity range and that web page production will not be supported in the forthcoming Affinity Publisher. Is that correct? That would be a terrible shame as WebPlus is such a decent web design application. Affinity Publisher, in theory, could pick up the web design slack. I always appreciated that PagePlus could output pages to HTML. As you can tell from the above text that I am hoping that Affinity Publisher would feature HTML5 output. I do think that web pages and web design are evolving into what I would call "Channels" whereby the web page is looking pretty much like a TV channel - especially now that video has become a major part of the web. I reckon that a "Channel" approach to web pages produced with Affinity Publisher may be the way to go. Well, that's my 2 cents worth! Oh, did I say that I am very curious about Affinity Publisher? :lol:
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