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Posts posted by VectorCat

  1. Hmmm, that's odd then! Any chance you'd just send a copy of the file to support@seriflabs.com and we'll find out what's going on? We'll obviously only use your file to diagnose the problem and delete it afterwards, so don't worry about anything like that :)

    Sure..I'd be happy to. After I  had that problem and the added pixel problem, I stopped working with that file. It still exists, but I tried to reproduce the problem this morning and couldn't.  I could try re-creating it from scratch, using the source file again.


    I can describe what I did...I created a new Affinity document, and placed a graphic at 3X size, then made 2 duplicates of that on the layer, a 2x and a 1x. The goal was to then export the slices. Somewhere in that whole process, the yellow triangle appeared, and curious that not all of the slices had it!


    If I can get it to happen again, I'll zip up all related files and send it your way.

  2. Every time I return to the Export persona, I think the arrow tool is still active, swipe my item, and lo, a new slice is created which I must then delete. And that is because upon entering the Export persona, the slice tool is the active tool.


    maybe the behavior could be last tool selected is the tool that's active when you enter Export again?


    Thank you!



  3. The scenario I'm imagining is like this: you're drawing, editing, etc, and you want to zoom in on some bit, so you Z + marquee over that area. As it is now, the Magnifier is still active and you have to key press back to the tool you'd been using.


    Is there/could there be a way that you have Magnify only while you are magnifying, then returned to the tool you'd been using prior to magnifying?


    Magnify should also still be available for times when you still want it, but maybe there could be two key commands for each? One for permanent magnify (until other tool is selected) and one for "magnify on the fly"



    thank you

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