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Posts posted by VectorCat

  1. 15 minutes ago, Ldina said:

    Apple is definitely part of the problem. What they do is half-shrouded in mystery and half documented (or not at all). They want you to play in Apple playground. IMO, they'd be wise to share more openly so HEIC and Apple DNG (using JPEG-XL compression) are more widely supported, which should lead to it becoming mainstream. 



    Beautifully stated...Apple hubris is often a culprit in things. Love 'em but I wish they'd see their way to joining the rest of the planet in many areas..

  2. I'm trying to draw with the pencil tool yet Affinity Designer 2 doesn't let me see what I'm drawing until after I lift the wacom pen.

    Is there a way for Designer 2 to show what I'm drawing as I'm drawing it?  Do I need to first make a layer, and then draw on it?

    The current behavior forces me to work blind...ironic for a drawing app..

    Thank you

  3. Sorry if this is the wrong place, but the forum for the current iPad versions doesn’t seem available. Please advise.

    I need to adjust the levels on a graphic placed in publisher. I go into Photo persona, with my item selected, and choose levels. I see controls but my item gets de-selected. I can adjust levels on the whole entire page which isn’t what I need. If I re-select the item I want to adjust, the Levels controls vanish! Very Kafkaesque.  Am I not allowed to have levels controls for adjusting the one item I want to adjust?

    If I can do this, can somebody explain how please?  Screen movie shows the Kafkaesque experience.

    Thank you


  4. Does Publisher 2 for Mac have a limitation which Designer 2 does not have in terms of keeping type sharp no matter how much you zoom in?

    In Designer 2, live type is crisp no matter how far I zoom in, but in Publisher 2, live type gets jagged at 150% zoom!

    and to be clear, what I mean by "live type" is type which has not been rasterized or converted to curves, and is selectable and editable AS type.


    Thank you for any clues

  5. Maybe this is a feature, but it feels like a nasty bug.

    If I Hide Studio, I may want to clear up the interface visually, but I don't want to lose all functionality. Is this our choice? I want and need to be able to make all the tool palettes go away, but I also, equally need to be able to summon certain things back, whenever I need to. For example: hide all the tool palettes, but let me pull up the layers pallet when I need to see what's on the layers, or the text frame pallet when I need to do something to a text frame.


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