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William Overington

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Everything posted by William Overington

  1. Other people may take a different approach, but for doing something like this, and for many other things, I set the units used in the document as pixels, and I position items using the Transform panel, using whole numbers of pixels for the location and the size of each item. For a project such as this, where centring and symmetry are important, I set the place from which measurement takes place as the centre point in the picture of nine points in 3 rows of 3 columns that is on the left side of the transform panel. Thus, set like that, if the items have the same setting for X and Y then they are located symmetrically together. I made the button in Affinity Designer using two items, first a text frame (NOT an Artistic text frame) and after I had got the text as I wanted it in the text frame, a rounded rectangle drawn using the Rounded Rectangle Tool. Then afterwards use Layer Arrange to send the rounded rectangle to the back. When starting an item, text frame or whatever, first draw it any size just to get it started, then set the position and the height and the width in pixels using the transform panel. I appreciate that this may be regarded by some people as very mathematical and even the geek approach, but it works and is a straightforward way to get good results. I have no idea at this time whether you can do some of these things at present. If not, please say, I have set the follow for this thread, and I will try to help you get a good result. William
  2. Is this the sort of button you are wanting to produce, maybe different size, different wording, different font, different colours, but this sort of thing?
  3. I have altered my previous post as I may have been mistaken. William
  4. Oh, as if the forum software always tries to illustrate a thread with a picture if it can. William
  5. @G13RL I don't understand what you mean by suggesting that I "can still crack down on the forums". But anyway, this is England. People do sometimes post in languages other than English in these forums. Also, when it is clear that someone is trying their best to write in English but has not quite got it right, people are very helpful. So if you would like to write in French in this forum, Bonjour. William
  6. I don't know why it put the picture there. The picture is within the thread, but not at the start. William
  7. I deliberately used "of" rather than "or" as it is a list of possibilities, not necessarily one or the other. Yes, a dynamic change can be better than a static one. Well, the idea is that people staying for a reasonable time could observe more pictures and observe the process of the changeover. William
  8. If the art show that I suggest takes place, should there be "winners", should there be people "judging" which (in their opinion) is the BEST? Or should the art show just present pictures produced using Affinity products? Should there be selection from the pictures that people offer (I have not used the word 'submit' deliberately) or should everything offered, subject only for taste and decency, be shown? If there are more pictures than can be accommodated, should there be either, or both, of a rolling electronic display, of a physical dynamic changing of the pictures in one part of the exhibition every hour? As in page 2 of this chapter of my first novel, the PDF document produced using Serif PagePlus. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/localizable_sentences_the_novel_chapter_047.pdf William
  9. I have written a poem about the possibility, composed directly into an A4 Affinity Publisher document, a png graphic exported, and added into the Share your work thread. William
  10. Well, the idea is for the Affinity team to run it to showcase the work that can be produced using Affinity products. William
  11. Some threads from long ago in another forum, one by a small business in The Netherlands. Missing Characters - Font Forum (high-logic.com) "Missing" symbols - pls help - Font Forum (high-logic.com) William
  12. Well, alright, the thread has gone quiet for a while. Can anyone post a reply to the following please? If the Affinity team were to decide to hold the art show, would you definitely not want to have any of your work in the art show, and if so, why? William
  13. Would this pdf typecase file that I produced many years ago help? If you copy and paste and then format using a font of your choice you may be able to find which glyphs are available in the font. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/typecase_quotation_marks.pdf William
  14. I did not veil it. It is a straightforward suggestion in the Feedback forum. I did not put it in the way that you state. William
  15. Because it needs the Affinity team to do it as an event to publicise Affinity products. I did not say it would be easy, it would be straightforward if there is a will to do it. William
  16. Well, a team that can produce Affinity software programs can quite probably organize a small art show and maybe a lot more. William
  17. Well the Affinity team make videos. So they could make videos of the art show. then put them on YouTube. I am hoping that there will be a few posts liking the idea. So I am going to try to post a thread in Share your work and linking to this thread. William
  18. Not necessarily. I remember having seen posts from England, Scotland, Poland, The Netherlands, Germany, France, and either or both of Portugal and Spain, and the United States of America. That is not globally. Well, I would be interested to know in which other countries Affinity products are in use. Perhaps there could be a thread about it. William
  19. True. But I did not suggest that goal. Why not? The videos about the exhibition might get lots of views on YouTube. I don't know. But if lots are invited, some may come. But if the idea is grumbled away, and the art show does not take place, none will, so no publicity. William
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