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Clayton King

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Posts posted by Clayton King

  1. While I get that not all software applications will work the same way or include the same features, I think this is another example of one feature set that is helpful. Really - two... "Clear Transformations" and "Repeat" are both incredibly helpful.

    For Clear Transformations, the object would simply return to its originally created state, regardless of what kind of object it is. CorelDRAW has been doing this since it's 2.0 Windows version in the late 90s.

    Repeat is another feature, available in Corel, Microsoft, Adobe, that simply repeats the last action - whatever that was. Rotate an object. Select another hit repeat and the next object rotates. Copy an object, same thing. Change the attributes on an object, ditto.

    I've played a bit with using a macro overlay program but unfortunately I haven't found a way to script this behavior in a meaningful way.

  2. Thought I'd circle back on this topic. It still seems counter intuitive that upon opening a Designer document, I get a fonts missing popup, but there is no font manager. Beyond that, though, if multiple weights from a given font family are missing, it is not clear which weights we are looking for.

    Below, I'm missing Bricolage Grotesque in two weights; there are 8 available weights in the family. Do anyone have a good suggestion for how to determine what fonts we're looking for without installing the entire family?


  3. I'm having a devil of a time understanding and working with the way Publisher handles text wraps and pinning vs inline graphics. If a pinned picture frame is at the bottom of a text frame and the next flows to another frame, the pinned picture doesn't flow with it. 

    If the text next to a picture frame isn't long enough, I have to insert blank paragraphs (which I really despise) in order to make it line up.

    Am I just missing the entire notion of how this should work?



  4. On 12/28/2023 at 4:38 PM, pbasdf said:

    In V2, in the Character Panel, click the Collection box (typically showing "All Fonts").  From the list of Font Collections that is displayed, select "Missing Fonts").  Then click the down arrow on the right of the Font Family box.  It should then show the list of missing fonts.


    This is in the Help file for the Character Panel:

    "About the Character panel

    The Character panel is unique in providing the ability to:

    • List typefaces within particular collections (including Missing Fonts)."



    This is tremendously helpful-thank you. I still think a font manager in Designer should be included. If you go to the trouble of providing a popup that says fonts are missing, you should also give us the means to substitute fonts or [easily] see the list of missing fonts.

    Thanks, again! This at least helped me figure out which fonts I needed to install.

  5. On 5/26/2024 at 1:09 PM, walt.farrell said:

    Have you tried Revert Defaults?

    I have, and it does get rid of the style. However, Revert Defaults is a bit misleading because it uses whatever defaults are currently in place. That, of course, is different from an objects pre-style state. I think my confusion came from Photoshop's use of layer effects to create styles. So if you delete the effects on a layer, the object is as it was prior to styling. Affinity is simply architected differently.

  6. 6 hours ago, bbrother said:

    @Clayton King In addition to what has been said and suggested here, I would like to note that it is possible to drag the FX icon from the layer entry and drop it onto the trash icon located in the lower right corner of the Layers panel (Windows). When you do this, effects will be removed, the fx icon from the layer entry will disappear and the appearance of the object will return to its state before the effects were applied.

    I mention this because it seems that many users are not aware that this functionality exists. And those few who know about it simply underestimate it.

    A - object with 'Outer shadow FX'.
    B - drag the FX icon from the layer entry and drop it onto trash icon.
    C - Result. All FX removed. Initial fill and stroke attributes maintained.
    D - happy user (not on the screenshot) 🙂


    That's not entirely true. If this is what you wan to do use the [Revert defaults] button on the tooolbar. This will remove all the effects and restore the appereance to defaults. Also to plain stroke and fill if thats how the defaults are set up in your app.


    I agree. I would like to have a [Reset] button with a checkbox called "Reset All FX" next to the button, everything should be in the footer in the Layer Effects panel. Pressing the button when checkbox unchecked should reset fx from current tab, while pressing it when checkbox checked should reset all effects on the list.

    I do use that fairly frequently with layer effects. It would be wonderful if there was something similar for styles!

  7. 2 hours ago, Old Bruce said:

    Make or choose anything that has "no style" and copy that thing. Use Edit > Paste FX on the layer(s) whose effects you wish to remove.

    That's probably the most expeditious way of doing this, although that is also itself, a style. In playing around with all of this, I'm reminded why I decided to avoid using styles in Designer in the first place. 

  8. Thought I'd revisit this topic again as it just came up on a document. I have a series of boxes and numbers in front of them. The client wants the boxes and numbers enlarged a bit. I used the transform panel to increase the size by typing 115% and using the center anchor point. There are many elements on the page, so it would be helpful to be able to select the next set and CTRL-R (like Corel) or F4 like Microsoft to simply repeat the last action of scaling the objects 115%, rather than having to type it into the transform panel. Symbols aren't a good workaround as they are all different.

  9. 1 hour ago, loukash said:

    Close and reopen the document, then copy the content of the notification you'll see.

    Because typography is not Designer's focus. That's what Publisher is for.
    You may want to think of the existing typography features in Designer as a goodie. ;) 
    This is partially a "marketing decision", but also to keep each of the three apps focused on specific tasks so that users who don't need them all can pick just the one app that suits them the best. Still, in my opinion, Designer is the most universal of the three, especially as a starting point for design "enthusiasts". Then, if a user feels they need more features, they can always "extend" by buying the other ones from the suite. Since the document format is universal for all three apps, the content can be edited in any app seamlessly as you see fit via File → Edit in […]. (The file suffixes afdesign/afphoto/afpub actually only serve to define the default app to open the document.)

    In truth, affinity is my go to suite. I generally start with Designer, and publisher second. I still find photo difficult to adopt, having been a long time, certified adobe, professional, and Photoshop. That said, if font is missing, font is missing. It would be helpful, for all three apps to offer away to easily retrieve that information. I get that Designer is not a topography, focused app, but fonts are absolutely used in it. 

  10. It doesn't matter. I could be a particular object on an artboard, or nothing selected at all. I may have figured it out, though. Somehow CTRL= was set to zoom in. I don't think that's the default, but in any event, I've changed it to CTRL+ which zooms in, and when I press CTRL0 it zooms back out... 

  11. 1 hour ago, walt.farrell said:

    Unless you've changed the shortcuts, Ctrl-0 is not "Zoom to width", but rather "Zoom to fit". The default "Zoom to width" shortcut on Windows is Alt-Shift-0.

    Sorry - you're correct. However, I've never changed those shortcuts. Ctrl-0,1,2,3 etc., have no effect.

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