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Greg Booth

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  1. I've just tried it - it looks great. This forum rocks! Greg.
  2. Roger you must be psychic - I was just this minute wondering whether exporting from NX-D in tiff 16bit would be better and I got a notification of your post! Thanks for confirming that - that's what I'll do. Greg
  3. Hi v_kyr, I've come to that conclusion myself - NEF RAW files do look a lot better in NX-D. I think I will try setting both the camera and Affinity to Adobe RGB and take the photo again to see if that's any better - (I'm thinking it must be a colour profile thing). Anyway, It's not really a problem, I'll develop in whichever looks best for each particular photo, Affinity has excellent editing tools for JPEGs so it's still worth the money! Thanks for your help folks. Greg.
  4. Thanks John, good idea - here it is: Both camera and Affinity are set to sRGB if that helps (although I understand they are not identical). Thanks folks, Greg GMB_0298.NEF
  5. Hi John, thanks for your reply. I've just tried selecting 'Show clipped tones' and it does indeed show that the sign is clipped, but I'm unable to drag it back (if I drag the tone curve all the way down and to the right, which makes the photo two-tone black and white, the sign does turn red). I suppose my question now is why is it so far out of gamut (i.e. clipped) in Affinity but not in NX-D? I thought Affinity had a larger colour workspace. I've tried a few different colour profiles but they don't seem to make any difference (I'm very new to this and probably need to learn more about colourspaces!). Greg.
  6. Hi Psenda, I included the histogram in the pics so people could see they are very different. NX-D is obviously doing some processing on the RAW that Affinity isn't. As far as I know both NX-D and Affinity are using the same white balance but this seems too extreem to be a white balance issue, I've tried lots of different settings including white balance but no adjustments I perform make the white turn into the original red I photographed. Greg
  7. Hi all, I've got a problem with colours in affinity photo. My photo is of a high street shop 'Superdry' which has an illluminated bright red sign, but when I load the RAW file (NEF) into affinity the sign is bright white with a red outline. If I load the RAW file into Nikon's own RAW developer it looks correct (i.e. bright red). I was thinking this may be a colourspace problem but this stuff is new to me and anyway how could affinity get it so wrong? If I export as JPEG (from within Nikon S/W) it's correct, so how could this red be available in a JPEG but not in affinity's (larger) colourspace? I've supplied screen grabs of the RAW file loaded into Nikon's NX-D app and Affinity Photo, so you can see what I mean. Hope someone can help, otherwise I'm going to have to develop RAW files with the Nikon S/W and just use affinity photo for JPEGs. Thanks in advance, Greg.
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