Hi all,
I've got a problem with colours in affinity photo. My photo is of a high street shop 'Superdry' which has an illluminated bright red sign, but when I load the RAW file (NEF) into affinity the sign is bright white with a red outline. If I load the RAW file into Nikon's own RAW developer it looks correct (i.e. bright red).
I was thinking this may be a colourspace problem but this stuff is new to me and anyway how could affinity get it so wrong? If I export as JPEG (from within Nikon S/W) it's correct, so how could this red be available in a JPEG but not in affinity's (larger) colourspace?
I've supplied screen grabs of the RAW file loaded into Nikon's NX-D app and Affinity Photo, so you can see what I mean.
Hope someone can help, otherwise I'm going to have to develop RAW files with the Nikon S/W and just use affinity photo for JPEGs.
Thanks in advance,