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All Media Lab

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Posts posted by All Media Lab

  1. Hi,


    I'm a new Affinity Photo user and till now I like it a lot!

    The thing that is missing for me is export of the webp extension.

    We use it every day in our web design studio with "LazySizes" that let's the browser decide to use webp or jpg.


    It would be nice if it was implemented with the next update, preferable with optimization functions like "lossless"!  





  2. Hi,


    It's the first time I use Affinity Photo and I try to keep my cropping exactly inside the document borders, but despite the Snapping function activated it doesn't snap.


    Procedure I used: Resize a document to 1200 px width and want to crop 627 px height (Facebook post image size).

    The crop tool is covering the whole width of the document like supposed to and I move down with the crop, but can hardly stay in the proper position. 


    What is the best setting for the Snapping in this case?

    What do I do wrong?


    Regards & Thanks,


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