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  1. Thank you so much everyone. I haven't tried any of these out yet, but I'm hoping that I can recreate this now. 😀
  2. Can anyone help with a method to recreate this sunburst (see attached image). I stumbled across the image whilst browsing for fonts. I'm not going to use it as is - so no worries about copyright issues - I would just like to figure out how the component parts of this were made. I got as far as the inner circle and the first row of rays, and then was a bit stumped! Any Affinity wizards out there who can offer a few tips? I know it'll involve the star/double star/cog tool? Thanks in advance!
  3. Thank you to everyone who has replied on this thread. I'm not going to lie, reading through all the responses has made my brain hurt slightly, however I do feel better informed now, so thank you. I think I will continue to use my printed formula guide to choose a pantone colour, but then use the inbuilt CMYK conversion within Affinity to ensure my documents use CMYK colours as requested by the printer. The colours don't need to be 100% accurate match, the pantone spot colour is just a starting point, as choosing colours on-screen isn't a particularly accurate way to ensure I'm getting what I need. Perhaps in a year or so I'll invest in a CMYK swatch book, instead of replacing my spot colour guide. Thanks again guys!
  4. Hi, this sounds amazing, thank you for posting, although there is no file attached to view.
  5. Hi, I'm hoping there will be an easy solution to this issue. I'm using Affinity designer to create posters that are printed in CMYK. To get a reference for the printed colours I use a pantone formula swatch book - which only has the pantone spot colours. I then convert these into CMYK colours by changing the colour to 'sliders' in the colour panel in Affinity designer. I know that I won't get an EXACT match in print, but is this the best way to work? I'd rather not subscribe to Pantone Connect, and I have tried online CMYK to Pantone converter websites, but I'm just wondering if there is a better way? I know I could just buy a Pantone > CMYK swatch book, this would be the most accurate way, but they are just SOOOO expensive so any other methods would be really useful to know about. Thanks
  6. Hi everyone, me again! I've been struggling with something that I suspect is very, very simple. However, I can't get my head around it. I would like to re-create this wavy line. I've tried using the pen tool and drawing freehand (not very successful) and I've also tried a zig zag and then converting the points to smooth, but I can't quite get the same shape. I'd like to be able to make the end points rounded, and play about, which is why I want to re-draw this from a solid shape. You guys are always so helpful with stuff like this, so I hope you can assist me again. Huge thanks if you can. wavy line.afdesign
  7. Thanks everyone. Super speedy response and help, much appreciated!
  8. Thank you! I still don't quite understand how you've done it, but I will spend a bit of time trying to figure it out. I think you've duplicated a set of lines and rotated them 60degrees each time? Then used the star to 'cut out' and create the angle at the end of each line?
  9. Hi everyone, I'm trying to draw a graphic millstone. I found a reference image and am trying to create my own version in Affinity Designer. However, as you can see from the attached, I'm wondering if there is a mathematical and logical way to get the lines and angles to be correct. I've got to the point where I was about to expand the strokes and use the Add/Subtract/Intersect etc to create the angles. But it still feels a bit haphazard. Is there a more logical way to do this? Or am I heading in the right direction? Thanks for any help guys. Millstone.afdesign
  10. So have you expanded the original stroke and then added another stroke to that?
  11. THANK YOU! You guys are great, such a huge help. All these suggestions will work brilliantly. As a sideline, can anyone suggest any tutorials I can watch to help me get my head around the basic principles of using the tools to make symbols and shapes like this? So not using the pen tool or trying to do it freehand! Thanks. x
  12. Hi Garry, essentially I'd love to know how you'd go about making this shape...see attached. What tools/shapes you'd use. Rolled shape 02.afdesign
  13. Hi Garry, the original image was part of a larger royalty free icon. So there isn't an issue with image rights - good call for checking though, I understand why you did this. I know that Alfred has already replied, explaining how to use the corner tool to make them rounded. But my original question is how to create the shape within this icon from scratch - I'm intrigued as to what shapes and 'pathfinder' options could be used to do this. I know this might sound like a really daft question, but I still struggle to get my head around this stuff sometimes, even though it's probably a really easy thing to do. Any tips welcomed! Thanks.
  14. Hi everyone, You guys are always so helpful when I'm trying to figure out how to draw something in Affinity, I'm really hoping you can help me again. I have an element that I'd like to recreate myself as I want to play around with the stroke ends being rounded throughout. In the original graphic one of the ends is flat - I've circled this in pink (see attachment). So I want to re-draw it from scratch, which will mean I have more control over the width of the lines and the way that the lines are shaped. I'm thinking that there is probably a smart way to do this with shapes, but as usual I'm struggling to figure it out. Any ideas? Rolled shape.afdesign
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