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  1. Thanks so much ๐Ÿ˜ƒsuper quick response!!
  2. I went and clicked by mistake and can't remember how to get it back not sure if I have posted on right topic but if someone could help thanks so much.
  3. Yes of course I was worried I just said side tools I meant studio panels will know next time Walt I must of clicked one of the panels on the right came up large so just clicked the cross thinking it will come back. I was wondering if there is going to another update for Affinity photo ? Got the snipping tool now will try get one ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Thanks Paul that's seems to have worked will try it later when I have more time although when I change the persona the missing side tools are missing again strange yes Garry I think that's what happened and it was only some of them came up big so I just closed the tool window thinking it would come back as normal will try it all later. Many thanks
  5. Hi, Walt no that's not working should I uninstall and download it again ? Garry, so sorry about that.
  6. I went and closed the tools by accident and cant seem to get them back as in the sidebar area can someone help please.
  7. I managed to edit 2 shots then it started again so uninstalled - uploaded older version for now.
  8. I clicked on download new version again and gave me a option of repair or uninstall did a repair see if it works.
  9. Yes noticed its slower geez I guess will keep checking with it on and off then but if another fix could someone let me know or I'll check back here. Thanks !!
  10. I've disabled Hardware Acceleration seems to be okay now but do I not need that on....
  11. It won't let me go back to previous update - failed. Ok will try that thanks.
  12. Not got any 3rd party software video was ok the other day when I sharpen a shot it goes all weird can I go back to last update that seemed fine.
  13. Getting patches on image like blocks lined coloured when trying to edit a raw image and it flickers.
  14. Thx - S - that's it working now :)
  15. Just updated to 1.8 uploaded a shot and its all dark when you try to edit to make it look okay and then finish the edit it goes too light just unusable I have had this issue before on updates can anyone help !! ? Thx
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