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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. This is just an illustrate plugin from Photo Reactor Player in Affinity Photo 2. It looks like souvenir-ware you'd get from a trip to London.
  2. And finally "Yes Westminster" is based on the indigo ink filter in Photo Reactor Player and tweaked in the develop persona adjusting the exposure to lighten it a little. It reminds me a little of the later titles for Yes Minister / Yes Prime Minister series.
  3. Actually it is Lino carve, and I am not sure what a lino carve really should look like.
  4. Here is a sample of something I did in Affinity Photo 2 using the Photo Reactor Player plugin on Windows 10. Photo Reactor is a modular procedural filer generator and Photo Reactor Player allows you to run these filters as a Photoshop Compatible Plugin. This demonstrates the Lino Carve Effect using a Pixabay Photo as a source. It is quite a pleasing effect and works extremely well with Affinity Photo 2. Before running the plugin, I pre-adjusted the photo using Auto Level, Auto Contrast, Auto Colours and Auto White Balance.
  5. Lino carve and sub-pixel sharpening using Photo Reactor in Affinity Photo 2. Before and After
  6. Okay, a new mosaic-style painting, modded using the Photo Reactor plugin extension with extra effects moved from DAP 8 into the Photo Reactor categories to do the work directly within Affinity Photo. I might call this "Titten Flascher" it is quite a subtle effect.
  7. Okay, Thanks for the information. It's probably best to try it from an original document.
  8. My Motorola phone decoded it very quickly. Unfortunately @Hangman version lost the spacing between stanzas.
  9. Just a request. I want the QR code function to be able to produce something like this. Will it be possible?
  10. This is just a query on the Affinity Designer 2 group all functionality. When grouping many objects how long does group all take? Here is a file containing an image auto-traced in DPX8 and imported into Affinity Designer. Group all certainly locks my old system up for a long time. I haven't yet seen how long the operation will take on my system. (4.5 minutes) There are over 20,000 objects in it. DramaticRailv2.afdesign
  11. And a little bit of Hue shift based on the original image:
  12. Here is an example of an edit I did in Affinity Photo 2 using the Photo Reactor Player sub-pixel sharpening, multi-tone adjustment, and HDR enhancement. And a little help from Jpeg Un-quantize in (G'MIC) Before and After: I think it is quite cool.
  13. Yes, although getting similar quality results will require alot of experimentation. These effects are mostly procedural rather than simple filters. Is it worth the money? Only you can decide.
  14. Thank you @Alfred. I often get dark thoughts with my mental health condition and neurological issues. Last night was a very difficult one and expression through creation was a way to get some distance from my darkness. No offence was intended but it's expression in creation helped by freeing me, a little, from the overwhelming sense of fear and despair that accompany my condition. Create something beautiful out of darkness and then take stock of oneself. I am holding on and am practicing self soothing techniques and taking rest. My state of mind is proving difficult to deal with but I am weathering the storm and allowing it to pass over me. I may disappear for a while on here but will continue to practice my coping strategies. I will hide the thread if you think it inappropriate. @SolidSnake2003 Thank you for your comment. Creating it gave me a little leeway and allowed me to acknowledge the way I felt. Sometimes creativity can help with voicing ones feelings and allowing a sense of accomplishment which can be part of the process. I will seek support if things do not improve. I'm glad you think it looks cool. It's nice to know that something simple can still be made in the darkest of times.
  15. Sometimes I use creative outlets to offload how I am feeling and hopefully separate myself from the intensity of negative thoughts and beliefs. This can provide respite for a little bit. This was created in Affinity Designer using artistic text, clip art, Styles, and Quick FX. Strangely, looking at the product actually helps, as it externalizes the thought in some way and makes it less overpowering and reminds me to practice some self care.
  16. @Nanette2024 Welcome to the forum. I see we have another extremely talented creative artist in our midst. Very well done indeed.
  17. And now the application of the Little Planet procedural plugin for Affinity Photo (with Photo Reactor Player). Quite a nice effect.
  18. The only reason you would prefer a desktop publishing app over a word publishing application would be the improved typographic controls, DTP will make you think differently about the way you layout your publication viewing it from a more editorial layout approach. If your textbook requires things like citations, bibliography features, or some other usage like equations and such then stick with the word publisher. Mind you using a DTP app can enable you to visualise your work more holistically and give you more precise control over its citations, bibliography features, or some other usage like equations then use the more feature-rich application for your needs.
  19. Just a note to tell you about Reactor Player. This is a PhotoShop-compatible plugin that works with Affinity Photo. Sadly, it is Windows only but may be of interest to some of you. I have purchased a copy of Reactor Player for Affinity Photo and the reactor application as well I am still testing it out fully but I find it a useful addition to my tool set. There is a trial version that can be downloaded for you to test it out if you wish. Do I recommend it to everyone? It's too early to say but take a look and see if it is something you might be interested in.. https://mediachance.com/reactorplayer/index.html
  20. I tried to repeat the crash using the zipped images today (on my first post). It only goes wrong when the greyscale image is first in the HDR merge list followed by the colour image. I finally got a crash report for you. 301d4f8b-198d-4579-8bdc-26184f865b2a.dmp
  21. One last tweak and edit in Affinity Photo with the G'MIC Polaroid plugin. Test added in Affinity Photo using Artistic Text tool.
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