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  1. Hiya! Was sent the direct link by a helpful mod (thanks dominik!) because I posted about this (user error for searching for the wrong thing or mistyped or something stupid on my part). Put me down for ".bmp export please". Paul L. Ming
  2. Hiya! Thanks for the direct link. Oddly enough, I did search for ".bmp export Designer" iirc, and nothing showed up...which is odd. I'm thinking I must have mistyped something and not noticed (like, ".bnp" or ".bmo" or something equally stupid). Sorry! 😢 Paul L. Ming
  3. Hiya! Just a request to add support for bitmap (.bmp) file format; Designer or Photo, both even. :) The three 'core' image files; gif, jpg and bmp. I'm surprised Affinity doesn't have .bmp by default, to be honest. Yes, obviously I can use another program, but that's like saying "You can just stop driving and take the bus when you need to go to the store". Well, yeah, obviously, but I have a car...I want to use it. ;) ^_^ Paul L. Ming
  4. Hiya! Great stuff! FYI, in case you are looking for other video hosting options, "BitChute" has been gaining traction for months now. It's still somewhat unknown by the masses, but it might be nice to grab an account for "Affinity" before some unsavory type does.
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