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  1. Is it possible to perform a datamerge into a grid layout (12 rows, 1 column) that spans multiple pages but the first page having a small heading/title section? At the moment I am setting up a dummy record in the csv file that sorts first, I then do the generate and then delete the first entry, replacing it with a text frame with the heading/title section information. While this works, it means I have to do this every time I regenerate the document. The master document includes three separately generated files that each have a different heading/title section.
  2. A new year and another +1 for the datacolor SpyderCheckr 24 to be supported. 😄 Is this still being worked on / progressed by the developers?
  3. Looks like you have the "about" screen still displayed above the new file dialogue. You might need to press the escape key a couple of times. to clear both dialogues and then do a File > New and you should be able to the create a new file. UPDATE: Didn't spot that the question has already been answered in this thread
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