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  1. Ok guys I tested with the other 2 Variable fonts I had installed in my system. Doensn't work. At import Affinity designer is not able to detect the Fonts that it had embedded at export. FYI: Illustrator works with the same PDF exported by Affinity Designer. So it's definitely a Bug.
  2. I saw that but I still wonder why the reverse works. We need a technical investigation: - are they encrypted ? - why the reverse from Affinity Designer to Illustrator works? and why Affinity designer is not able to (re)import its own exported PDF and it says "missing font" ? thank you. For now it's enough.
  3. works perfectly. It keeps fonts and subtype and you can type back. OF course I have the font installed.
  4. I am having the same problem on 2.5.2 and I made some tests. Results: 1) AI or PDF generated with Illustrator and containing variable fonts show the problem you all experienced also 2) If I (only) copy & paste a paragraph with variable fonts from Illustrator to Affinity designer the problem happens again 3) strange thing: if I generate a paragraph using variable fonts flavours, then I export a PDF with Affinity Designer and I try to (re)import the PDF in Affinity then text is visible but font are altered and not corretly managed. 4) If I import the PDF generated with Affinity Designer into Illustrator, it works perfectly and manages the variable fonts correctly. Sample in attachment WINE fake.pdf
  5. @kenmcd I try to replicate the error and I will change the text inside to give you a broken PDF. I am sorry that is part of a commercial product I can't expose it without explicit permission.
  6. @walt.farrell I know exactly how Illustrator works (despite I didn't x-rayed the PDF) and i know Illustrator blows the PDF with the illustrator section but I generated the PDF with AFF Designer! Then I opened with Illustrator Now, do you mean that AFF Designer ALSO reserve an Illustrator compatibility "box" inside the PDF? In this case, why is it not able to use that back?
  7. I am not a PDF specialist (but I am a former frontend coder so I am not a newbie). I made a simple test. 1) Created an affinity designer new document 2) added a paragraph and typed three simple lines with variable fonts flavours 2) export as pdf by embedding fonts and subsets. 3) import the PDF into Adobe Illustrator. Guess what? Illustrator KEPT the Myriad variable concept reference AND allowed to edit flawlessly. I still think there is something to fine tune in the PDF import for Affinity Designer to be competitive with Illustrator on this side.
  8. the font works flawlessly (pfa). The problem is in the import of AI file (i.e. PDF). I don't need any support anyway, I am exploring the possibility to convert my files that's why I bought (and financed) the Affinity suite team with my contribute.. I am interested in the discussion.
  9. Update: I was not able to export from Adobe Illustrator that paragraph made by Myriad variable concept to AFF Designer even if the entire paragraph is all made by "semibold" (1 type used). No way
  10. I agree with you Walt. It is the PDF import (maybe not the variable font anymore). I am doing some tests. Unfortunately I cannot share the file publicly as it is a commercial project, but I could provide it to Affinity support in case of for investigation purposes.
  11. ok . I have a file in Adobe Illustrator format Adobe CS (previous adobe version file type). I open it with AFF Designer : no warning of font. the file is imported 75% but part of the text is changed
  12. Yes Walt. Let me explain. If I create a new document in AFF designer i can have all the font variation I need. It works. The problem starts when I import an Adobe CC or CS file and ok you can think I can change the font once I open. That's the problem. At the Adobe CC/CS file open that change the text so I can't do anything. I need to retype the document.
  13. guys let me add another problem. I have a document where i have a paragraph that uses myriad variable in different flavour (bold, condensed etc...). The problem is that the characters are changed at file open so, doesn't matter if I change the font, I lose the original text). Here a sample (on the right the curves version how it should look like):
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