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  1. Saw the latest Affinity Suite updates are available. Great! As I was looking over the release notes, I didn't seen anything that indicated this bug had been fixed, but maybe I'm missing something?
  2. I wanted to confirm that, yes, Hangman's smart workaround works and works well. Thanks so much for this! Feels great not having to readjust 6 pages of text each time I re-open the file. People like you make the Internet great. My best to you.
  3. Thank you, Hangman, for the temporary workaround. You are appreciated. And thank you, Callum, for submitting this bug. I've been using Affinity Publisher for large publications and continue to be impressed... and using InDesign less and less! (Side note: If Potrace could be worked into Affinity Design, I'd probably leave Adobe products all together. Ha! It does a far better job of tracing / converting bitmap images to vector art than Adobe Illustrator's tools do.)
  4. Sample file attached! (This is a rough, example layout not anything for an actual publication.) Thanks in advanced for taking time to look at it. example-package.zip
  5. Thanks for replying, Hangman. Unfortunately, that doesn't solve it. I also thought maybe it was because the image was a layered PSD image, so I resaved it in .afphoto format. Problem still there.
  6. When I do a spread and put an image with text wrap (tight / both sides / TrimBox) near the text, everything looks fine, so I save the file. However, when I reopen the file, the text reacting to a text wrap will either justify itself on the side touching the image or disappear partially as above. I have to select the image and move it ever so slightly before the text will reappear. Even then the text will shift slightly and my layout will have to be tweaked again. What might be going on with this? rough example images attached: screenshot 1 (before saving file), screenshot 2 (after re-opening saved file)
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