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Pedro Rolon

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  1. It has happened to me many times that I accidentally select delete😭, it would be good if when I click delete I get an alert asking if I am sure to delete the history of recent files, or if there is that option that helps me activate it😥
  2. Now in advance registration it adds the value 1, and now when generating, it starts from the number 3
  3. I am making a catalog and I am doing it with a table and with the data combination tool, my catalog is by number, for example; 1,2,3,4 and so on, but when generating it starts from the number 2, so that you understand my catalog includes 4 numbers, I show you in the image capture1.png, And this happens with all the sheets, a number is skipped, what am I doing wrong? I show you how I have my data combination Capture 2.png The solution you can do is put a new row before number 1, so that the list can start properly. I leave you the files so you can try. I would greatly appreciate your help, thank you Catalalogo prueba.afpub catalogo marcos.xlsx
  4. yes haha, but @Stokerg solution works correctly
  5. I followed your steps for the formats and if it works correctly in v2, putting number format, decimal 0 and 1234 red color 🤩
  6. I tried both the number and general formats, but the problem persisted. A solution I found before reaching out here was to add an asterisk (*) at the end of the EAN code, like this: 9968645984691*. That worked for me, and later I removed the asterisk using the replace function in Publisher.
  7. Thanks friend, yes I'm using v2, at the moment it's working for me using csv, but I hope they can fix it in a future update. 😁
  8. I switched the number format to text and saved my table as a CSV file. Now the numbers are importing correctly. However, I was wondering if CSV can only read one sheet, as my document has multiple sheets. Previously, with the XLSX format, I could choose the sheet to extract data from, but in CSV it seems I don't have that option. Do I need to work on each sheet separately in CSV?
  9. I am working for a catalog in affinity publisher, where I have a table that contains, internal code, ean code, brand, product description and others, what if in my ean code is giving me problems when stretching the data from my excel ex: Ean Code Excel : 9968645984691 A. Publisher Ean Code: 9968645985000 because the numbers are altered when generating the combination of data in A. Publisher?
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