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  1. @Brian_J Thanks - that was simple and beautiful and added to my understanding of how all of this stuff works 👍
  2. @GarryP Thanks for suggestion. It makes sense, but I don't understand how the texts are joined anyway as they are separate layers. Saying that though: I'm still a novice and there is so much that still doesn't make sense to me...! However: the guy doing my eBook version has worked out how to flatten this from his side, so hopefully I won't have to go down this route... Many thanks for all help Jeremy P.S. @Ron P. This is a publisher file not a photo file, so maybe photo treats it differently (I certainly couldn't get it to work anyway, as I couldn't see the 'apply' option anywhere)
  3. Thanks guys (and you must have very good spotting eyes v_kyr!) I had been using the Move Tool before and Crop Tool was only highlighted when I took the screen shot, as I wondered if I needed to crop the background image to within the document boundaries for it work. I still get the same greyed out options with Move Tool. I also have Contect Toolbar turned on. There is no context for Crop though, which is why it might have seemed as though I didn't. I noticed a 'group' function here (on Context for the Move Tool), but don't think this does what I am requiring. Any other ideas? If you think it should work like this then maybe one of the staffers could respond... Many thanks Jeremy
  4. Hi I'm sure there is good reason for it not following the instructions written down in Merging and Flattening, but when I select a text and an image layer, the 'Merge Selected' option is not highlighted. I just need to flatten 2 pages in my book, so that these appear 'as is' when being converted to an eBook. Example of one of the pages attached... Anyone know why this is happening and how I do this? Many thanks Jeremy
  5. @thomaso I agree, that is a bit confusing and something that @Dan C might want to answer... Thanks Jeremy
  6. @Dan C OK - that was simple and makes perfect sense Thanks for your quick response. Jeremy
  7. @thomaso and @Old Bruce Thanks so much for all your suggestions and offers of help. @thomaso yes - if I delete the page layer, the number shifts back up. However, my skill level is such that I am unsure how to add a clean one back in again. It also proves that there is a weird link between that specific page and that specific footer (why anyone would want this is a bit of a mystery to me...) and I ahve to admit that I an intrigued as to what has caused this and how to fix it. I have passed a copy onto DAN C @ affinity now, so I am hoping they will sort it out... Thanks again Jeremy
  8. Thanks for testing that out Thomaso I can't find where my Baseline Grid settings are, but I don't believe I've touched these. All the paragraph and Character settings are the same for both page number boxes. I'm pretty sure that it's something to do with the image and text wrap that are on this page (even though it is fine for a similar page), as if I add two new pages and shift the page contents down into these pages, the issue persists. I would have though that this can only happen if there is a link (somewhere that I can't see) between the page and the footer. I'm hoping that Dan the staffer can sort me out, but if anyone else has any ideas... Cheers Jeremy
  9. Thanks Thomaso That was a good idea (and a very useful option to know about!). There was nothing obvious, but it does rule out special characters as the cause though, so thanks Jeremy
  10. Thanks for responses I have another similar page with image and wrap where this doesn't happen, but I've set the "Ignore Text Wrap" option anyway as it seemed a good idea. Sadly no change. @Dan C Can you provide an upload link for me please so that you can look at this? Many thanks Jeremy
  11. Hi I must have touched something and broken it... There is a link on one (just one out of 100) page number text boxes in my footer. Only on this page do I see the two two red circles on the page number box. The actual number is circled below the box and I can't move it back up whatever I try. The text and paragraph settings for this box are identical to those on page 16, so I am assuming that it is related to the link. These two red circles appear on the page number text box, irrespective of which text page block I select. Does anyone know what this link is and more importantly, how I remove it and get the page number in the right place? Many thanks Jeremy
  12. Thanks for quick response Nathan I discovered it was because my 'Feather' was set to a very high figure, so it didn't know what to select (I suppose).... Many thanks Jeremy
  13. Hi Hope someone can help with this... There must be a really simple (but completely undocumented) feature that is stopping me from being able to close any selection I make with either freehand or magnetic marquee selection tools. I have tried this on a jpg or an afphoto file. If there is some odd setting that is required before I can do this, it would be really useful if it didn't allow the tools to be used until this was set, as this would save me the odd half an hour of patient spotting to accurately create a path round an object, only to see the whole selection disappear when I click (or double-click) to close it. Many thanks Jeremy
  14. Thanks Hangman - Once I realised that the curve had not then just disappeared completely and was in my layers panel, it all started to make a bit more sense...
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