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  1. its the opposite: while working in Publisher I randomly get this bug, and need to switch for a moment to designer (as in video) to make the search bar reappear. When I recorded the video I hadn’t switched to any other Persona until when I did to make the bug go away.
  2. I got it on camera! Hope this helps. Screen Recording 2022-12-12 at 15.03.49.mov
  3. It happens randomly, not when I change persona (which I rarely do when I'm in Publisher). Also, I don't actually use it to search for help but rather to more quickly access commands from the menu bar. That's why I go to it very often, and probably why most people who don't use it this way will probably hardly spot this...but I use it all the time!
  4. I keep having this issue in Affinity Publisher where the searchbar under "Help" disappears randomly (as in, does not show up). This bug persists from v1 to v2 on mac. A temporary workaround, if you own Designer too, is to switch to the Designer persona then back to Publisher, and it always reappears for me. I'm not sure if that works with Photo as well.
  5. @regedy1I tried harder with @RReijm’s suggestion (swiping up the x) and you can actally do it very quickly (a very quick and small swipe). Sounds better for your workflow i think. Swiping down with three fingers also brings up useful actions including delete.
  6. thanks! altough I feel like there’s plenty of room for it…..I’d still prefer having it back. But I also work on a big iPad.
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