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  1. Hi, First of all, I don't know if the following feature already exists nor could I find any request related to this feature. Maybe my search request wasn't clear enough, probably because I didn't use correct terms. Therefore I would appreciate it if you hint me to the corresponding feature or request. For my current project I want to create a table with different names, whereby the names in each row should be the same like shown in the following picture: Now, to decrease effort and improve the workflow, I'm looking for a way to synch or link desired frames. For example: If I type in a name in frame A1, it would automatically synchronize the name with frame B1 and C1, the name in A2 synchs with B2 and C2, etc. If this feature already exists in Affinity Publisher v2, I would appreciate it if you would help me further. Otherwise I would appreciate it if Serif would implement this feature in future version. Thanks in advance! Bango
  2. @SSFF9 Wow, thanks so much! You're a lifesaver 🤩 I also activated the wireframe mode by accident and didn't knew what had happened. Thankfully, I didn't had to spent too much time to find this helpful post!
  3. It isn't clearly stated that this thread/request is based on Affinity Photo (v2) only! However, I would like to have this option also in Affinity Designer v2!
  4. Also bei mir gibt es keinen Reiter namens "Dokument", vor allem nicht neben "Ebene". Kann es sein, dass die Windows- und Macversion da unterschiedlich sind?
  5. Der Thread ist zwar schon etwas älter, aber ich möchte hier dennoch anmerken, dass ich mir ebenfalls eine Option wünsche, mit der man die Leinwandgröße an den ausgewählten Inhalt (einer Ebene) schnell und simpel anpassen kann. So eine Funktion gibt es bereits in anderen Bildbearbeitungsprogrammen und gehört meiner Meinung nach mittlerweile auch in das Standardrepertoire einer solchen Software.
  6. I'm also here to ask for this. I ran into the issue that I accidentally enabled constraint groups in my project and now I can't get standard groups anymore. This is really annoying, unintuitive and demotivating. @Affinity Team Please give us the option to enable/disable creating constraint groups or let us change the group type within the RMB menu if a group is selected.
  7. P.S. And being able to duplicate a slice would also be very appreciated.
  8. I would appreciate it if slices could snap to the grid when moved or created.
  9. I haven't checked this out specifically but I will ASAP. However, for now I'm glad that I can use the Affinity software again. Okay, so Warp isn't really recommended even though the Affinity software is working with this setting for the moment. Normally I should be able to exclude a GPU driver issue as I did a fresh installation of my windows system about a month ago but I'll give it a try and reinstall the driver ASAP.
  10. I found a tip in another thread: Changing the renderer from "default (GPU)" to "WARP" has fixed the issue. Now new and also existing documents open directly without any issues.
  11. I had a similar issue with freezing/not responding Affinity V1 software when trying to create a new or loading an existing document. Here's the link to my thread in the forum: As I didn't get any real support for nearly a month, I wanted to know if this issue also appears by using the V2 software and so I tested the trial version of V2. The issue also appeared there, which has led me to this thread here. Changing the renderer from "default (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090)" to "WARP" did fix the issue and now documents open directly without issues on both versions, V1 and V2. So many thanks to @Pauls for this tip! Now I would like to know why this happens?
  12. @N.P.M "Uninstall all of your third party apps and reinstall them one by one to see which is the problem." I already did that as you should read in my second post but nothing changed. Well, except the apps from Microsoft, which can't be really uninstalled as they reinstall again automatically after rebooting the pc. "And you may not have noticed the notice" Of course, I've seen the notice but how long should I wait to get support for my request? It's been more than a month since I can't use the Affinity software and since I can't continue my work. It costs me time, which I didn't get paid for!
  13. It's already inconvenient for me that the Affinity V1 software doesn't work as expected, but the fact that I haven't received any help or support for almost a month now is very annoying. I paid for the software and feel completely let down.
  14. The recording software I used for the last video didn't capture additional windows so here's a more comprehensible video showing what happens: Affinity V1 Software Not Responding – Mit Clipchamp erstellt.mp4
  15. I did another fresh installation of Windows 11 a week ago and then I installed the Affinity apps right after. They worked as expected! But now I'm having the same issue as before. The apps don't respond anymore if try to open an existing or a new project. So the issue might be caused by either one of the afterwards installed applications, which you can see in the following picture (whereby I can proof that Virtual Desktop Service & Streamer aren't the root)... or the issue correlates with one of the latest Windows updates. Here's my current system info: Edition : Windows 11 Home Version : 22H2 Installed on : ‎21.‎12.‎2022 OS Build : 22621.963 Experience : Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22638.1000.0 I would really appreciate your help!
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