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  1. Thank you, this gave me the effect I was looking for without having to subscribe to Photoshop. I've been using Affinity Photo since my version of CS6 stopped working when I had to update my OS.
  2. In doing some more research, I found that Font Book custom font lists do show up in the Character panel, but not in the font drop-down menu. So that is something, but not ideal. I'd still love to be able to hide (or consolidate) the system fonts so they don't take up dozens to hundreds of spots in my drop-down font list. Thanks.
  3. When trying to select a font from the Designer font picking window, Noto fonts take up the entire vertical space on my 27" monitor. I can't remove or disable them. Please include some sort of option to hide them, or consolidate them into fewer families. They don't show up in other apps. In Microsoft Word, I can select from the font collections I created with Font Book, such as Serif, Sans Serif, Symbol, etc. That lets me jump to the right sort of font without scrolling through hundreds of system installed foreign language fonts. The lack of some way to filter fonts is an impairment to workflow, and it is clearly possible to do it. Thank you.
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