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  1. I have Affinity Publisher 2 for Mac and when I place an image (pdf) in a placeholder using the Place Tool my app freezes / crashes. I have to Force Quit the app and few times I rebooted my computer. This issues would generally happen after placing one or two other image and then the problem happens. I also noticed (see screenshot) that when I place the image, it seems to recognize there is an image but it is blank - see highlighted Picture Frame on right and underneath it the image box beside file name - Atelier - design 2023.pdf is empty. This is when the app freezes. Please let me know how this can be rectified.
  2. Thanks. That would be great if this can be added to Affinity. I am looking for a 3rd party for colour separation (for Mac) - any recommendations?
  3. I was wondering if there is a way to check the colour like Output Separation Preview from InDesign. It seems in Designer's Preflight, it just indicates many other issues but I never see anything for colour. I did a test with one of my client's project which is grayscale and one spot colour. I need to verify that all of attached images, vector file, fonts etc are 100% Black or a spot colour and not a CMYK (rich black).
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