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  1. You. Are. A God. I was trying to do this before but didn't succeed. Thanks sooo much
  2. What seems fair is adding at least those things that all free alternatives have. Even for PC
  3. I'm not glad that the answer implies this situation is OK. It's really not. Even free apps like vectornator have this feature, let alone other paid apps . Given the fact I've figured out how to do it manually, it's clear to me, as a software engineer, that this feature would consume, at most, a week of 1 person's work, but most realistically - one day. Sorry for being emotional about it, but this is really not good. The app costs $22 and yet doesn't have this ...
  4. These are my settings. All the values should be set relatively to the dash and gap size. The phase of the dots should be half the gap of the dashed line. The gap of the dotted line should be equal to size + gap of the dotted line.
  5. Below is the image from the Affinity doc. It seems to me that the iPad version of Designer does not support dash-dotted stroke by default. Only dashed or dotted. This can be fixed by adding two extra parameters in the dashed line settings. For some reason, the desktop version has this feature, and the iPad one doesn't. This is very frustrating because it looks so basic. Please do add it, because it's an important feature for those who do drafting, mapping etc. Thanks.
  6. I've actually managed to draw a dash dotted line by duplicating the curves and then playing with the phase, width, and gap. But this is so much pain in the neck to do such a SIMPLE thing. If it really can't be done the usual way in the app yet, please please add support for it
  7. Seems like the desktop version can create a line like this: -•-•-•. That is because it has 4 dash modifiers But the iPad version has only 2 modifiers. Does it mean I can't create a dash-dotted line then? I've only managed to create lines like • • • and - - -
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