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  1. Ldina, I gave your macro a quick run on a couple of 50 year old negs I have played with before. It works fine as a quick and dirty process for me - and you can quickly dump another image on top to see if the tweaks work on that one the same. I hate old colour negs, as I usually shot slides and B&W, but this combination is all I need. I do not compensate for light source, as these are already scanned, but will keep it in mind for future scans. Thanks again.
  2. Thank you for your efforts, Mike. You have produced a very useful reference. Although I have already produced a large illustrated book using Publisher, there are areas of the program I am not comfortable with.
  3. Ldina, I think your rev A workflow, which pretty much nails the process. It is not too dissimilar to how I had been trying to process some of my old negs. Thankfully I do not have too many! You have produced a well thought out tutorial, which is nice to see. Selective colour adjustment is, to me, one of the most useful tools - used carefully The thing I miss most about Affinity is the lack of black, grey and white eyedroppers, which I used for many years in PS. At least Affinity is very flexible in how one does the adjustments. Thank you for your work, as it will really come into its own when I next end up converting negs - and forgot how I did it!
  4. I have the same problem with Publisher on win10. It had previously run well on v 10.4, until adding another page recently (never a problem before with this file) Updated to 10.5, and still crashes out when adding another page - with or without a master page attached.
  5. Certainly not my experience in win 10. Using CTRL-J will copy and paste to a new layer. CTRL-C and CTRL-V will also copy and paste the selection.
  6. I am using Publisher 10.4 on windows 10 to produce a book, which also contains over 300 photographs. This is nearing completion, so I am interested in whether the 'Fixed possible rendering issues with Raster elements' plus any other tweaks in the latest release is going to be beneficial to commercial print output via press-ready PDF? Naturally I am nervous at updating the software at this stage, as 10.4.1198 is stable. For info, all of my images are flattened before insertion into Publisher. Many thanks, Kalee
  7. To me, the panorama tool would seem to be plenty good enough. Of more concern are core functionality items. Currently, every time I look on the forum, it is people demanding more an more items to be incorporated - because it is on adobe. The raw converter is pretty poor, and is something that really does need addressing. With a better raw processor, you would also likely get better panoramas as a result?
  8. I cannot help but think that you expect too much from the panorama function. Personally I have been quite impressed by the Affinity stitching. Expecting it to handle extreme light levels with one button seems unrealistic. I would not be happy with your lightroom example, and would expect to replace, or work on the sky.
  9. That sounds like a good tip to remember, if the file size suddenly goes stupidly high. Thanks for sharing the workaround.
  10. Not actually dimensions. The image was exported nominally at 90mm x 60mm at 300dpi All of the images were exported with that same procedure, but with different dimensions, as required. On exporting from Photo, the dimensions showing up would stray slightly from the nominal size chosen (following earlier cropping to format), so that would indicate to me that the 300dpi was the overriding factor. However, when importing into Publisher there can be this anomaly.
  11. I am putting together a heavily illustrated book for print using Publisher 1.10.4 and I am seeing inconsistent dpi readings for the photos I am placing. For some reason, a good number of pictures are showing 299 dpi instead of 300 dpi, despite selecting 100% image size, and manually adjusting the dpi figure. Sometimes it is either horizontal or vertical readout that is wrong, while the other is correct. I am concerned that this may impact when offset printing. Has anyone else experienced this practically? Maybe it doesn't really matter, but I do not know. All of the images were processed in Aff Photo, and output at 300 dpi, so there should not be an issue with the images themselves. I have attached a screen grab showing a typical readout, and the placed dpi reading in Resource Manager. Any thoughts?
  12. I am thinking that this problem has been pretty much dealt with for linked images, given the file sizes I am experiencing currently - but will find out how slow it all becomes when I add in all of my finalised pictures.
  13. That could be useful. I could replicate my problem at the time, as well.
  14. I did have an issue with file size bloating on windows 10. There are over 300 images in my book, and they are linked. Many of the images are mostly placement size. The file size suddenly went from around 17MB to over 80. Had a play around at the time, and found it was obviously an image that the program did not like. Can't remember if it was a PSD file or a Canon Raw file, but changing it to a jpg sorted the issue for me at the time. Hopefully, when I eventually load all of the full size file, I can still work on the file! Currently it is holding at around 20MB for a 200+ page book.
  15. That is what it seemed to me, Lagarto. The option to convert to this profile only appears if you load a suitably profiled image. As long as it works, it will solve one of my problems, thankfully!
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