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  1. Well, for people wondering why this does not work... the donut has a hole radius of 100% but it is a closed curve, you see that when you convert it to a curve and start editing, so because it is closed, there are no line caps.. Makes sense, but feels awkward somehow
  2. Btw, converting the donut to a curve and then expanding stroke does not work either
  3. When you have a donut with a stroke and line caps, the line cap is not expanded when the expand to stroke option is used. See image (using 2.5.5)
  4. I found that the issue related to variable fonts (at least in my case). When the font https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Shantell+Sans is installed, Affinity crashes after loading fonts. Removing this font resolved my issue. Hopefully the AF-3190 will fix this too.
  5. Yes, i am using Aphoto, the first one was indeed from V1 but as @lepr pointed out, it is because of the blue blend range why it is turning black when you turn off the HSL.
  6. Thank you!! Missed that one.. It would be nice if Affinity would show the colored curves in the blend ranges (similar to a curves adjustment) so that you can directly see that there is a difference.
  7. I have attached a document where it looks like the groups are an exact copy (at least i cannot find or missed the difference). Group1 is from an old document which i copied over... Group 2 is one i created from scratch... Any one an idea what is happening? Group-acting-differently.afphoto
  8. I think title is self explanatory. I searched forums if this was already known but couldn't find anything. In the attached image you see that when the HSL is being clipped by a rectangle, the blend range is not applied.
  9. @Lisbon I believe the transparent areas are treated as black (value 0), which then makes sense why everything is divided by 2 (with alpha 0.5)
  10. When a procedural texture is applied to a curve object (eg. a rectangle) and the alpha value is changed (eg. 0.5), i would expect it would only affect the curve object's alpha, however the alpha is also applied to the layers below. When i lower the alpha of the rectangle with a curves adjustment, it only affects the rectangle as expected. See the screenshot, where on the left, the alpha of a red rectangle is halved with a curves adjustment. The blue background is not affected. However doing the same with the procedural texture (live) filter on the right, the alpha of the blue background is also affected. Initially I thought this only happened with the Alpha, but the bug also exists with RG or B. Then i rasterized the rectangle and applied the procedural texture again and it still happens. So it looks like the procedural texture (live) filter propagates down for the transparent areas even though it has applied as clipping layer. I would expect, because it is a clipped child it would only affect the parent (like the curves adjustment). I assume this is a bug unless i am missing something here? PS. Using the latest v2.04 (mac)
  11. You are completely right! Which brings us to the original question A checkbox is being hidden without reason... which is bad
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