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  1. You are welcome. While I am at it. There is another issue you might encounter when using APhoto for painting - Stepping in brush thickness. Below is a thread with a link to another thread that offers a workaround.
  2. Check here for potential solution - Affinity ssems to have an issue with the latest Huion driver.
  3. On Windows it is like R C-R wrote for Mac. It is the last "save to location" that is used even when a file was opened from another location. And it gets even worse. E.g. in the preferences / color is a setting to load a ocio config file. So to this specific file is a specific location assigned. But if you save a normal document to a different location and later on go back to the color preferences and click the ocio browse button, it also opens to the last document save location and not the ocio location. But this has been reported years ago and comes up again and again in the forum - but does not seem to trigger any urge on the Canva side to change it. Regardless of how many users tell them how bad this "design decision" is. It is not the end of the world but one of the various moments where I think "man, it can be so frustrating to use Affinity software".
  4. Seems to be related to this post from 2022 ! There is no bug-number assigned to it. I guess, it is not something that will be optimized in the forseeable future.
  5. I have cross checked with a photo editing software. It can open the dng correctly. The shown temperature ("as shot") seems odd to me but that might be the way iphones do it. Question is, whether the dng is not ok or APhoto just does not support that type of DNG. Maybe the support has an idea. By the way, you might like to delete the gps data when you post photos. With your dng it is easy to get the location where you made the photo.
  6. The below thread is about APhoto, but maybe it helps with publisher as well. Click on the top most text, the one with "Monday at 02:09 PM" below it. This will beam you to the post that contains a potential solution.
  7. This comes up again and again in the forum. For some reason Serif decided to set the png export to Primaries = BT.2020 as default. This is a setting for exporting HDR pngs. Change it to BT.709 and it should solve the issue. Note to the support team: Serif might consider to set the default back to BT.709
  8. Regarding the sun halo. It seems, APhoto's hdr algorythms are limited if there are strong lightsources in a scene.
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