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  1. When I go to the download page for Windows update 1.8, my Virus software says the site is suspicious and doesn't recommend I continue. see below....
  2. I found it! It's an improvement and I like MOB's suggestions also. Thanks everyone for your help. jd
  3. Where in Affinity Photo Beta Win 10 version, is the option to change layer thumbnail size (small, medium, large) ? There is a setting in Edit/Tools/ Tool Handle Size: Small > Largest, but it doesn't' change the layers thumbnail size.
  4. Please provide a fix to enlarging layer icons for Windows Affinity Photo. This has been requested since 2015.
  5. Affinity team: Please provide a fix to enlarging layer icons for Windows Affinity Photo. This has been an issue for years. Is anyone listening?
  6. Thank you for your reply gear maker, I have the paid version of Affinity Photo for Windows, how will downloading & installing the beta version effect It? Thanks again, jg
  7. Is there a way to enlarge the icons in the workspace, tools and panels (especially layer panel icons- they're too small)? I can change the resolution of my monitor, which will enlarge the whole Affinity photo program window- including the icons. But lowering the resolution of my monitor and switching back and forth isn't practical for using my other applications. Please see attachment. Thank you, jd
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