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  1. Shades of grey are "modern". The more grey in grey the interface is the more modern an interface is. This is a sickness that originated with Apple. Perhaps younger eyes can see all those shades of grey. But I'm 56.
  2. Sigh... yes, you are correct. The settings for UI Brightness and UI Contrast are the culprit. Is there something like Github for searching open bugs? Why does it take so long to fix interface bugs? I know that Affinity probably has 100 times more bugs than my app does. But the bugs I found are basic.
  3. Why is the icon to keep the aspect ration almost invisible? The screenshot is from Sequoia. If I make the screenshot large then I see some sort of icon but in the window the icon is invisible. On Sequoia the Layer Effects window isn't that bad except for the dot for direction: My main computer still is on Big Sur and there the window is worse. The checkboxes are not visible. There is nothing at all in the direction. The arrows are grey in grey: Comparing the screenshots from Big Sur and Sequoia: should I see the arrows in the Sequoia screenshot? My eyes don't like low contrast. Looking at anything low contrast gives me headaches. Please improve the contrast. Low contrast make look more "modern" but it makes the app harder to use.
  4. The bug is from March. Thanks for confirming that my brain isn't quite going away, yet. What an embarrassing bug.
  5. Yes, I think so, too. I've tried on my iMac with Big Sur and the MacBook Air with Sonoma: both show the same problem. But it would be really weird if I was the first person to find this problem.
  6. Here is the video. First I use the Color Picker Tool and then I try the color picker from within Appearance. color picker.m4v
  7. The color picker tool works fine. But there must be something I'm doing wrong - something easy and stupid.
  8. Yup, I remembered that after some minutes, too. I found one problem with the stupid permissions. Version 2 must have a different bundle id because the permissions didn't carry over. But there was no dialog. I'll do more testing.
  9. Garden variety RGB one and then use the picker thingy to get the color from another file:
  10. In some regards the interface of Affinity Designer is a step backwards. The color picker is baffling. I have a shape selected and want to pick the color of another file which is open. I select the color picker and move it to the dark blue on the left side: And now I've got the same color for the fill color as before. Am I going totally gaga? Affinity Designer on macOS Big Sur.
  11. FFS I just installed Affinity Designer and I barely read the layer names at all. It's now August 2024 and this thread is from November 2023. Where can I complain?
  12. Well, the result is a file with the original name and another with the name 0.5x. This is about as clunky as my Retrobatch script.
  13. Ah, okay. I missed something simple. I thought that this meant the name of the resulting slice.
  14. I'm still using v1 of Affinity Photo. I want to create 2 versions of an image with the export persona. I added a second slice for the 2x image so that I get 2 images: But the result is totally not useful. I expected the original image and an additional image 50% smaller. Instead the second image is 100% larger. Is this a bug or a feature? How can I make the second image smaller than the original?
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