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Why is exporting .eps files from artboards in same document resulting in wildly different file sizes?

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Just created my first project in Affinity Designer for iPad, and am having trouble with the consistency in the file size for my exported .eps files. 

Notes: The original ("Poster Borders to Export.afdesign" - see attached) file was created from scratch in AFDesigner, and to the best of my knowledge, is entirely vector, so the exported EPS files should be quite small. The file is comprised of three artboards, all the same dimensions (48" x 36" - most of the drawing is white space, as the project required building only a 12" vertical band on the left of each poster ). When I go to export each artboard as an EPS, Artboard 1 exports at around 100k (this is what I would expect), Artboard 2 exports around 5.5 MB, and Artboard 3 at around 25MB!

Can anyone shed some light on why they are exporting at such wildly divergent sizes?

I've attached the original .afdesign file and screenshots of the three EPS export screens.

Thank you!

Poster Borders to Export.afdesign

Artboard - 1.jpg

Artboard - 2.jpg

Artboard - 3.jpg

Edited by federlogic
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The difference exported EPS file sizes are due to Affinity having to expand the stroke due to some of the Join and Align options of the objects. This creates a lot of nodes to make sure the design looks correct after exporting but will have an effect the overall file size.

Selecting all objects and changing the Join to Round & Align to centre, should result in a smaller EPS file size.

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