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AP "patch tool" is probably main reason I use it.   It's better than Photoshop one. Would be nice it could be a live effect for a layer. So we could compose  something and every layer would color match to what is beneath it automatically with a same kind of edge feathering /fusion.     I bet it would be a bit slow working effect for hi res something  but it would be totally understandable .  

I could imagine same kind of effect doing edge blending with not just feathering but proper subject matter aware  blending done by AI  but guess it would require a hole new team and years of development so I am afraid we will see it in Adobe  first.     But since the patch tool is already works in AP splendidly  why wouldn't do it live or maybe not exactly live but still working  for layers non destructively .


I know but I want it as a "live" non-destructive  effect  for a pixel layer  . So if I want to mirror /move/scale/distort/parly erase this layer it would color adapt and its edges would feather/fuse into new situation automatically .     Even if it would take some time to calculate and not very much live and would take minutes.  Might be a kind of a button to "recalculate" or something.  

If the code could do it with "current layer and below"   it should certainly be able to do it again after I re-scale/re-position a thing.

New pixel layer + "current layer and below"  approach  is close but having few limitations.  I can't reset scale and rotation , can't mirror a thing , can't do subtle corrections to fix edge blending issues.    I believe it's all would be working much better with layers

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