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The release version is great with a big improvement in Indexing capability BUT, and I asked this previously in the Beta forum, is there any way of completely deleting an index flag for all occurrences of the word rather than one by one? I have a big publication and the editor changed his mind. I really want to start indexing again from the begining. Any Ideas????

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I wondered if your could use Find and Replace to deal with this, but I can't find any way to search for the indexing marker and remove it

However, if you search for the word you want to remove from the index, any entries with an index marker will have a downward pointing arrow in front of the word you search for.

While the replace function doesn't seem to remove the indexing marker, at least it makes it possible to identify entries and locate them so you can delete the marker.

A final check of an updated or new index will be needed to make sure you've caught them all.

Would be useful if the find and replace options worked for the index marker.

In addition, if you look at settings in Find you can search for terms which are have character formats used for indexing - but it doesn't help with automated replacement.

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