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Import .ai into Designer pixelates masks

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Hi guys,

I am importing an .ai file into Affinity Designer, which gives me bad results. Compared to a preview image I have of the file, the imported file looks extremely pixelated within Affinity Designer. I suspect that this is due to layer masks, which affinity doesn't seem to import correctly. It looks to me that those are pixel layers for which Affinity chose a resolution that is way too low.

Any Ideas?

affinity designer import problem.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Dan,

thanks for your reply and taking care. I'll share the file via DM, since I cannot diclose it on a public forum for licensing reasons. Hope that works for you!

Edit: I see that I cannot DM you. Does it work when you DM me first or do you have another alternative in mind?

Edited by mararn1618
Cannot DM "Dan C" as claimed in my post
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Thanks for that, this is happening due to the transparent gradients applied in Illustrator. Unfortunately these aren't compatible with Affinity apps, hence the pixel mask that is applied to each object.

AFAIK there's no workaround for this at this time, as I've tried exporting as other formats from Illustrator and the objects are either fully rasterised or masked, my apologies.

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