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Small UI Needed for Desktop Mac + Sidecar

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I just got done testing out Affinity Photo/Designer on a 10.5" iPad pro. It's a solid 2224x1668 display. However, the default normal size UI gets bumped to @2x for retina, which cuts that in half, and makes things unusable except in a pinch. 1112x834 is not good. I definitely wouldn't replace my cintiq because of this annoyance, even though I like the drawing experience on iPad. It would be nice to force affinity to display at native resolution, even if Apple is forcing Affinity into @2x.

I tried a couple screen resolution changing apps, and the most popular paid solution, SwitchResX has already released a Catalina friendly beta version. Unfortunately, SIP locks it down, and I'm too lazy to test it now for custom resolutions, but I think that might be a work around. Having a toggle within Affinity though would be a better workaround. Super tiny UI is not a problem, lack of space is.



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