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Make a resize image macros that can be used on different aspect ratio documents

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Hi folks. First post from me, a long-time Photoshop/Lightroom user making the transition. I've had AP for a couple of weeks and been leaning a lot. It's an impressive product. I'm hoping the community can help me with information about how to perform a seemingly simple task. I have looked for answers here and elsewhere to no avail. Here we go:

I give clients screen-res images at a standard height or width. I have Lightroom set up with 2 different export presets. Landscape orientation images are always exported at 1920 px across. Portrait orientation images are always exported at 1080 px high. Regardless of what aspect ration I choose to crop, LR is able to calculate the required variable dimension opposite the fixed dimension.

How can I do similar in AP? I tried to set up a macro, however I can't define just one aspect in pixels and leave the other aspect value blank. I frequently crop at different aspect ratios based on how the image "feels". This means that I'd have to create a different macro for each aspect ratio in AP. 

Hopefully somebody can tell me how to do this. 

Thanks, Frank


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Hi Frank M,

I know this is possible using the Batch feature, if you click File>New Batch Job You add a number of images, set the width or height and leave the other box blank.  Then when you run the batch all the images will be resize and width or height will honor the value you've entered and work out the other value.

To do this via a Macro is a bit more tricky but it should be possible as shown on this thread https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/52019-resize-an-image-to-a-fixed-maximum-size/&tab=comments#comment-262461


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