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Issue with Gsync turned on, Affinity app will  flicker when moving the mouse changing the brightness either darker or lighter. I have confirmed it is Gsync cause when I turn it off it stops but with Gsync on it starts to flicker again. I do not want to have to turn Gsync on and off every time I want to use the app. Makes the app unusable for me with my monitor. I will try to get a screen recording and update forum.

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Hi citynights161,

Welcome to the forums :)

This has been reported by another user on our forums, unfortunately we don't have any test machines with G-sync in the office however I have access to this on my personal rig at home so I'll test this as soon as I have chance and report back here and to our developers. Many thanks for your patience!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi @Tenji,

Welcome to the Affinity forums and my sincerest apologies for the delayed response here!

I can confirm that there have been a few issues reported with Gsync since the Nvidia 461.09 driver, Nvidia have confirmed that this 'flickering' is a bug and they're working to resolve this - you may find the reg files provided at the below link help here - 


There has also been changes to the vsync option in the Nvidia Control panel in this driver, that can cause flickering/screen tearing. I recommend setting your Nvidia control panel settings as confirmed here - 


Other than the above fixes, we must unfortunately await a newer driver to resolve this issue. I hope this clears things up!

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