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You say that as a beta, Publisher is "considered to be not suitable for production use".

I ignored that warning and have just produced and published a 56-page A5 booklet using the beta. I received many compliments for its quality.

The announcement of general availability is very timely because my copy of InDesign CS6 will stop working when Mac OS Catalina ships.

Designer 1.7 Beta was used to create a map which was imbedded. I was also very happy with that.

What other functions would I have liked to see?

In Publisher, 

  1. Cross reference capability, so that I could use, for example "See page x" and have the x updated automatically when content was moved around
  2. Headings that span columns - this has been discussed in many threads already. Not a problem in my recent publication but I do produce short leaflets where it's a desirable feature

In Designer

  1. The ability to draw a line with a double (compound) line style. Visio gives me several options shown in this screen grab. I can simulate that in Designer by drawing a single line and duplicating it but there are problems because the inside of a curve needs a different radius to the outside. 



7 hours ago, Adriandw said:

my copy of InDesign CS6 will stop working when Mac OS Catalina ships

Only if you install it.


7 hours ago, Adriandw said:

The ability to draw a line with a double (compound) line style.



7 hours ago, Adriandw said:

Cross reference capability, so that I could use, for example "See page x" and have the x updated automatically when content was moved around

This has also come up in a few other threads.  I believe Serif confirmed they are planning on doing this, but no indications of when just yet.

8 hours ago, fde101 said:

Only if you install it.



This has also come up in a few other threads.  I believe Serif confirmed they are planning on doing this, but no indications of when just yet.

Re Catalina, obviously I can avoid the problem by not installing it.
But if there are other functions in Catalina that I want, it gives me a problem.
The plan is to keep a Virtual Machine running Mojave for those apps that don't work on Catalina.

I should have added that I would also like to be able to export epubs from Publisher

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