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remember-missbehavior (bug?) in macro-library in 116

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In 116 and i guess in 118 too (i´am waiting...my slow download...) there is a remember-bug/missbehavior...If i recall AP the settings on "strectch" and "where" a macro should appear are completly forgotten. 

Quiet inconsistence. Some/most "tools" or other "really deep" will remember the last settings over the current session... some other "tools", scpecial windows... not. The problem is, sometimes for SOME tools and for some windows/panels...adjusts/filter/palletes... i want a remember over the close... and sometimes not. But however in which case i decide, i have  for most tools a special "default" i would like to see, each new recall. I do not know how often i have to (reset) each instance of filter or adjustments to the values i need in 90%... That very often not the AP-defaults! 

So please, give in 1.8 or 2.0 (you did a really good work in the past... a 20- 30 euro--upgrade to 2.0 would be absolut over-fair to me), but please do some lacks with this updrade:

- The whole macro-area seems a little bit stepmother-developed  -there are lot of bugs or big missbehaviors  in it. Some of high-potencial gets wasted...

- The whole brush concept is so many years behind eg, FREE Krita... And also ecah "library" stuff- the golden goal is not to HAVE all this items, the golden goal is as fastest and comfortable see/find and jump/select... all this overthousends items...

- Please create ONE really, smart preset-system... which is valid for all stuff (tools or life-layers, or panels and sliders... or whatever...) This System should have categorys and subcategorys... fastetd acces to see, selct, rmove, duplicate, delete... and if needed as rubberband-batch... Also the possibility to an item in some smart-folders several times... Nobody needs 53 of this experimental 1980 preset-systems which all mostly offers how many possibiltys they DO NOT have : Did you ever try to move a style? Did you you ever try to move a macro-category, Did you ever try to JUST OVERWRITE a single preset in eg. texture filter???? and so on!  No systemof all of this "experiments"  has a 21centaury smartness, just only special limitations and limited possibilitys.... You can easy rename a STYLE, but not move... you can easy drag/drop a single macro, but not its category.... (you need dozens times step up/down...) Each "system" has its own limation... often lot of combied limations... no system is smart like as an 21 average system! 

A brush will always INSTANT overwritten by the same looking window, during another "temp" window will never, never written overwrite this brush, Why not jsut ONE WINDOW and 2 simples buttons"Overwrite"for replace and  "new" for a copy of it??? Whats so difficult on this? , if i want my "97%" temporyrly settings really as new/overwritten brush???? ???? ... This and all other preset-"concepts" are so  confusing, inelegant, inconsistence, patchwork, hotnailed.... 

As said i would LOVLEY pay some more euros for 2.0 without NO new features, absolutely no problems -it would be overfair for the great work on other disciplines you have done so far... but i except that such user-confussion/long mouse ways/ unnescarry clicks... child-desases get cured!

OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

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