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Suggestion: Stacks & HDR/Tonemapping Integration

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I'd love to be able to easily integrate a stack or a number of stacks into a HDR Merge for Tonemapping without having to rasterize, composite, dump out, and then re-import the layers.

My reasoning is thus:

2/3" sensor with a bit of noise. I take 3x exposures at each +1 EV, =0 EV, -1 EV.
For each EV, I make a stack and use the "mean" blend mode. This reduces the image noise quite nicely.

What I'd like to do here is feed the three stacks into the HDR Merge functionality, possibly with assigning the EV manually, and be able to merge/tonemap right away.

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This is quite a clean image for a stacked/HDR set of exposures in pretty poor light for a 2/3" sensor (my monitor+red LED backlight for the monitor).

I was also able to really push the white balance with no noticeable color noise introduction, likely because of each of the 3x exposures per EV being "mean" blended before being exported to 24bit PNG for HDR composite (which the below is a screengrab of).


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