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At this moment i use both Adobe and Affiniy for my graphic work. I would really like to switch to Affinity at some point, but there are still some things i don't understand. For example working with PMS colors for print. For one of my clients, we use de PMS 581 as the main color. But this color looks totally different in Affinity Desiger than in Illustrator. See enclosed files. I thought i would maybe only be a screen thing, but when i print these files they also look different. My document settings in Affinity are:

Colour format: CMYK/8
Colour profile: US WEB Coated (SWOP) v2

The colour profile ''US WEB Coated (SWOP) v2 is set by default when choosing for a print press ready document. But it would be more logical for me is this was also something which contains ''CMYK'' or ''PMS''.

Can someone help me with this? Thanks a lot!




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Hi and thanks for your reply!

I tried that but it has the same result: Colors are different, like the above example. I did another test: i opened the PDF file i created in AD in Illustrator (see test2.png). The left square is Illustrator and the right is AD, here too the color difference is visible, although the color settings are the same. Strange is that both colors have ''PANTONE 581'' selected, but printing results in a color difference. When i drag my AD square to the Illustrator file, the color difference is gone though...

For me it's essential to find out what is happening here. Because at this point i cannot use both Illustrator and AD to make printing art work, too tricky. Also, if i ever want to switch to AD, it can become a real big problem when exchanging files with other agencies that work with Illustrator.

Help would be appreciated! Thanks




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No, it's not that. I found out what's been happening. It's about the Adobe version i use:

'' Prior to CS6 Pantone colors were built on their CMYK formulas. Starting with CS6, Pantone colors are built based upon their LAB formulas. The result is much less vibrant colors. However, CS6 colors will more closely match what comes off press. This was the apparent goal of Pantone. (Although I think it's to just sell more color books as well.)

Pantone+ 280 Solid Coated in Illustrator CS6 Will look slightly purple until you enable Overprint Preview in the View menu. In fact, most Pantone colors will appear slightly off until you choose Overprint Preview. ''

Thanks for assisting anyway, cheers...


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